Attribute tool_name
- Name
- tool_name
- Description
- Refers to the tool being tracked, for example the name of a smart answer or 'Find your local council'.
- Value
- text
- Example
- Required
- false
- Type
- string
- Redact
- false
- GTM/GA4 parameter name
- tool_name
- GA4 display name
- Tool name
- Used by events
contact (form response)
contact (form error)
contact (form complete)
email subscriptions (responses)
email subscriptions (form error)
email subscriptions (form completion)
special route (form submit)
special route (form error)
special route (form complete)
special route (change response)
special route (information click)
simple smart answer (simple smart answer start)
simple smart answer (submit question)
simple smart answer (form error)
simple smart answer (change answer)
simple smart answer (simple smart answer complete)
simple smart answer (results link click)
simple smart answer (start again link click)
smart answer (smart answer start)
smart answer (submit question)
smart answer (form error)
smart answer (change answer)
smart answer (smart answer complete)
smart answer (results link click)
smart answer (start again link click)