Event header menu bar


Crown icon link

Priority high

When the crown link to the homepage is clicked.

This event is tracked by the link_tracker.

This event occurs on the layout_super_navigation_header component.


Data sent to the dataLayer

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Data reports

Header menu bar buttons

Priority high

When the Menu or Search button is expanded or collapsed.

This event is tracked by the event_tracker.

This event occurs on the layout_super_navigation_header component.


Data sent to the dataLayer

You can also view our complete schemas.

Data reports

link clicks

Priority high

Triggered when a header "menu" section link is clicked, right clicked, shift clicked, control clicked, or windows key/command key clicked.

This event is tracked by the link_tracker.

This event occurs on the layout_super_navigation_header component.


Data sent to the dataLayer

You can also view our complete schemas.

Data reports

search form

Priority high

Triggered when a search is performed from the search input.

This event is tracked by the form_tracker.

This event occurs on the layout_super_navigation_header component.


Data sent to the dataLayer

You can also view our complete schemas.

Data reports