Event links


External links

Priority high

When a link is followed to a page outside of www.gov.uk.

This event is tracked by the specialist_link_tracker.


Data sent to the dataLayer

You can also view our complete schemas.

Data reports

Download links

Priority high

When a link is followed to an asset such as a PDF.

This event is tracked by the specialist_link_tracker.


Data sent to the dataLayer

You can also view our complete schemas.

Data reports

mailto links

Priority low

When a link points to an email address using mailto:

This event is tracked by the specialist_link_tracker.


Data sent to the dataLayer

You can also view our complete schemas.

Data reports

file attachment links

Priority medium

Links on our guidance pages that contain file attachments, such as .zip files.

This event is tracked by the link_tracker.


Data sent to the dataLayer

You can also view our complete schemas.

Data reports