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Warning This document has not been updated for a while now. It may be out of date.
Last updated: 25 Aug 2023

🚧 This document is outdated and untested. 🚧

If you are thinking about creating an additional GOV.UK Kubernetes cluster, please get in touch with #govuk-platform-engineering team and we’ll be happy to help you to achieve your goals.

Create a new environment

To create a new environment, you must:

  • create secrets for the new environment
  • create a new empty environment
  • deploy the Terraform modules
  • check the environment is working

Create secrets for the new environment

Copy the secrets from an existing environment, for example by running the transfer script with the following aws-cli profile names:

  • --src-profile, the existing environment to copy the secrets from
  • --dst-profile, the new environment to copy the secrets to

You can edit the copied secrets for the new environment using the AWS console for Secrets Manager.

Create a new cluster

  1. Run export ENV=<ENVIRONMENT> in the command line to define the type of environment you’re creating.

    <ENVIRONMENT> can be test, staging, integration or production.

  2. Create the Terraform state file and store it in an S3 bucket in your new AWS account:

    gds aws govuk-${ENV?}-admin -- terraform init -backend-config=${ENV?}.backend -reconfigure -upgrade
  3. Update your AWS account to match the Terraform state file and create the new environment:

    gds aws govuk-${ENV?}-admin -- terraform apply -var-file ../variables/common.tfvars -var-file ../variables/${ENV?}/common.tfvars

Deploy the Terraform modules

Deploy the Terraform root modules in order.

1. Deploy the ecr module

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) stores container images for the GOV.UK Kubernetes platform.

The ecr module creates the ECR for the new environment.

  1. In the command line, go to the govuk-infrastructure/terraform/deployments/ecr/ folder on your local machine.

  2. Run the following to deploy the ecr module:

    gds aws govuk-<ENVIRONMENT>-admin -- \
      terraform init -backend-config <ENVIRONMENT>.backend -reconfigure -upgrade
    gds aws govuk-<ENVIRONMENT>-admin -- \
      terraform apply -var-file ../variables/<ENVIRONMENT>/ecr.tfvars

    <ENVIRONMENT> is the environment type you defined in the earlier step.

2. Deploy the cluster-infrastructure module

The cluster-infrastructure module creates the AWS resources for the GOV.UK Kubernetes platform Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster.

  1. In the command line, go to govuk-infrastructure/terraform/deployments/cluster-infrastructure/ on your local machine.

  2. Run the following to create the AWS resources for the EKS cluster:

    gds aws govuk-<ENVIRONMENT>-admin -- \
      terraform init -backend-config <ENVIRONMENT>.backend -reconfigure -upgrade
    gds aws govuk-<ENVIRONMENT>-admin -- \
      terraform apply

    <ENVIRONMENT> is the environment type you defined in the earlier step.

Delete the aws-auth configmap

Creating the AWS resources for the EKS cluster also creates a default aws-auth configmap.

This configmap does not work with the GOV.UK Kubernetes configuration. You must delete the configmap for the new environment to work.

Run the following to delete the aws-auth configmap:

gds aws govuk-${ENV?}-admin -- aws eks update-kubeconfig --name govuk && kubectl -n kube-system delete cm aws-auth

3. Deploy the govuk-publishing-infrastructure module

The govuk-publishing-infrastructure module creates and manages AWS resources for the GOV.UK apps where we are not yet able to manage those resources using Kubernetes.

  1. In the command line, go to govuk-infrastructure/terraform/deployments/govuk-publishing-infrastructure/ on your local machine.

  2. Run the following to deploy the govuk-publishing-infrastructure module:

    gds aws govuk-<ENVIRONMENT>-admin -- \
      terraform init -backend-config <ENVIRONMENT>.backend -reconfigure -upgrade
    gds aws govuk-<ENVIRONMENT>-admin -- \
      terraform apply

    <ENVIRONMENT> is the environment type you defined in the earlier step.

4. Deploy the cluster-services module

The cluster-services module deploys the services that enable GOV.UK into the cluster.

  1. In the command line, go to govuk-infrastructure/terraform/deployments/cluster-services/ on your local machine.

  2. Run the following to deploy the cluster-services module:

    gds aws govuk-<ENVIRONMENT>-admin -- \
      terraform init -backend-config <ENVIRONMENT>.backend -reconfigure -upgrade
    gds aws govuk-<ENVIRONMENT>-admin -- \
      terraform apply

    <ENVIRONMENT> is the environment type you defined in the earlier step.

Check the environment is working

You should now have successfully created a new environment on the GOV.UK Kubernetes platform.

To check the environment is working, go to the new environment URL endpoint at https://www.eks.<ENVIRONMENT> For example, the endpoint for a new production environment is

You must be in the office or on the VPN to access this endpoint.

If the environment URL endpoint is not behaving as expected or shows an error, contact #govuk-platform-engineering team.

Supporting information

When you create the new environment, the process will also create an instance of the Kubescape tool to track vulnerabilities and other metrics.

See the Kubescape user hub for more information.

See also the Kubernetes conceptual overview documentation for more information on Kubernetes overall.