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Last updated: 27 Nov 2018

content-publisher: 5. Avoiding initialisation flickering in HTML

Date: 2018-11-27


A common problem with website initialisation is that there can be elements of the page that you want to be hidden until a user performs an action via JavaScript. However if a user does not have JavaScript you want the item to always be visible.

When the page loads this can cause a distracting flash as it quickly hides or replaces content and can appear like the page has a loading issue to a user.

On content publisher there have been a number of issues flagged in testing relating to these flashes, with different ad-hoc fixes applied. This ADR is intended to define a route forward for them to be handled consistently.

There were 3 options considered:

1. Do nothing

This option involved considering the flash to be a natural consequence of progressive enhancement.

2. Hide content before JavaScript initialisation with a js-enabled class

We have a class that is inserted in the body element of a HTML document while the page is loaded that sets whether the user has JavaScript enabled.

This class can therefore be used to hide elements on the page in advance of JavaScript initialisation to avoid the flicker.

The downside that this approach has is that there is not a fallback for if JavaScript is enabled on a device but fails for some reason.

3. Implement an initial hiding approach resilient to JavaScript failing

The final approach considered was the introduction of a second class in addition to js-enabled on the body element that would be js-failed. This would involve enhancing the initial adding of a class from:

document.body.className = ((document.body.className) ? document.body.className + ' js-enabled' : 'js-enabled');

to something like:

document.body.className = ((document.body.className) ? document.body.className + ' js-enabled' : 'js-enabled');
setTimeout(function() {
  if (!window.jsInitialised) {
    document.body.className += ' js-failed';
}, 2000);

Which would allow a 2 second grace period before changing the body class so fallback content is displayed.

CSS rules would need to be updated to show content when either js-enabled or js-failed was present


A decision was made that in interim we should take option 2 and just use the js-enabled class. This was deemed the most pragmatic approach as option 1 was causing problems for our testers and option 3 was considered something unusual that wanted to be investigated further.




Users who have JavaScript enabled in their browser but have had JavaScript fail to initialise (as outlined in the Service Manual) may have a degraded or broken experience.

Alex and Dilwoar intend to discuss this further at the frontend meeting so we can arrive at an eventual solution that can be consistently applied to GOV.UK.