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Repository: govuk_message_queue_consumer

A gem for consuming messages from RabbitMQ


Gem Version

Standardises the way GOV.UK consumes messages from RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ is a messaging framework that allows applications to broadcast messages that can be picked up by other applications.

On GOV.UK, publishing-api publishes the content-items it receives, so that applications such as email-alert-service can be notified of changes in content.

For detailed documentation, check out the gem documentation on

This gem is used by:

Overview of RabbitMQ

To see an overview of RabbitMQ and how we use it, see here.

Technical documentation

This is a ruby gem that deals with the boiler plate code of communicating with RabbitMQ. The user of this gem is left the task of supplying the configuration and a class that processes messages.

The gem is automatically released by Jenkins. To release a new version, raise a pull request with the version number incremented.


  • The Bunny gem: to interact with RabbitMQ.


Add the gem to your Gemfile.

Add a rake task like the following example:

# lib/tasks/message_queue.rake
namespace :message_queue do
  desc "Run worker to consume messages from rabbitmq"
  task consumer: :environment do
      queue_name: "some-queue",

More options are documented here.

The consumer expects the RABBITMQ_URL environment variable to be set to an AMQP connection string, for example:


The GOV.UK-specific environment variables RABBITMQ_HOSTS, RABBITMQ_VHOST, RABBITMQ_USER and RABBITMQ_PASSWORD are deprecated. Support for these will be removed in a future version of govuk_message_queue_consumer.

Define a class that will process the messages:

# eg. app/queue_consumers/my_processor.rb
class MyProcessor
  def process(message)
    # do something cool

The worker should also be added to the Procfile to run in production:

# Procfile
worker: bundle exec rake message_queue:consumer

Because you need the environment variables when running the consumer, you should use govuk_setenv to run your app in development:

$ govuk_setenv app-name bundle exec rake message_queue:consumer

Processing a message

Once you receive a message, you must tell RabbitMQ once you’ve processed it. This is called acking. You can also discard the message, or retry it.

class MyProcessor
  def process(message)
    result = do_something_with(message)

    if result.ok?
      # Ack the message when it has been processed correctly.
    elsif result.failed_temporarily?
      # Retry the message to make RabbitMQ send the message again later.
    elsif result.failed_permanently?
      # Discard the message when it can't be processed.

Statsd integration

You can pass a statsd_client to the GovukMessageQueueConsumer::Consumer initializer. The consumer will emit counters to statsd with these keys:

  • your_queue_name.started - message picked up from the your_queue_name
  • your_queue_name.retried - message has been retried
  • your_queue_name.acked - message has been processed and acked
  • your_queue_name.discarded - message has been discarded
  • your_queue_name.uncaught_exception - an uncaught exception occured during processing

Remember to use a namespace for the Statsd client:

statsd_client ="localhost")
statsd_client.namespace = ""
  statsd_client: statsd_client
  # ... other setup code omitted

Testing your processor

This gem provides a test helper for your processor.

# eg. spec/queue_consumers/my_processor_spec.rb
require 'test_helper'
require 'govuk_message_queue_consumer/test_helpers'

describe MyProcessor do
  it_behaves_like "a message queue processor"

This will verify that your processor class implements the correct methods. You should add your own tests to verify its behaviour.

You can use GovukMessageQueueConsumer::MockMessage to test the processor behaviour. When using the mock, you can verify it acknowledged, retried or discarded. For example, with MyProcessor above:

it "acks incoming messages" do
  message =

  expect(message).to be_acked

  # or if you use minitest:
  assert message.acked?

For more test cases see the spec for the mock itself.

Running the test suite

bundle exec rake spec

Further reading

  • Bunny is the RabbitMQ client we use.
  • The Bunny Guides explain all AMQP concepts really well.
  • The Developer Docs documents the usage of “heartbeat” messages, which this gem also supports.


MIT License

Versioning policy

We follow Semantic versioning. Check the CHANGELOG for changes.