GOV.UK developer docs
This is the technical documentation for the GOV.UK team in the Government Digital Service (GDS). For other projects built by GDS, see the Service Toolkit. For technical documentation applicable to GDS as a whole, see The GDS Way.
Joining GOV.UK
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Slack channels
- #govuk-developers For all GOV.UK developers
- #govuk-frontenders Where the GOV.UK frontend developers discuss frontend specific topics.
- #proj-supporting-juniors Group organising and planning support projects for junior developers in GDS.
- Tech Fortnightly agenda Schedule of speakers for the GOV.UK Tech Fortnightly, including links to slides.
- Support apprentices Sign up sheet for volunteers to help support apprentices.
- Mentorship Sign up to volunteer as a mentor to junior and apprentice devs.
Main navigation
GOV.UK codebases
- Applications All the applications and services that make up the GOV.UK website.
- Repositories All the applications and other repositories we use to build GOV.UK.
GOV.UK manuals
- GOV.UK Technical On-Call Support manual The documentation for GOV.UK's Technical On-Call team.
- Developer manuals The contents page of GOV.UK's developer manuals.
- GOV.UK Kubernetes manual The developer manuals for GOV.UK's Kubernetes clusters.
- GOV.UK mobile manual The developer manuals for GOV.UK's mobile app.
GOV.UK analytics
- Analytics This site contains a record of the data structure implemented for Google Analytics 4 by GOV.UK.
GOV.UK publishing
- Content schemas Schemas that describe the structure of documents published on GOV.UK.
- Document types The kinds of documents that are published on GOV.UK using one of the schemas.
- Content modelling Documentation for content modelling on GOV.UK