Applications on GOV.UK
GOV.UK consists of at least 58 separate applications.
Most of them are built using Ruby on Rails, hosted on Kubernetes, configured using govuk-helm-charts and deployed using ArgoCD.
Each application should be owned by a team. What application ownership means in practice.
Apps can be loosely grouped into different types, including:
Apps by type
Type |
Count |
Applications |
AI apps |
1 |
govuk-chat |
APIs |
13 |
account-api, asset-manager, content-data-api, content-store, email-alert-api, hmrc-manuals-api, link-checker-api, locations-api, places-manager, publishing-api, search-api, search-api-v2, support-api
Data science |
2 |
govuk-knowledge-graph-gcp, govuk-knowledge-graph-search
Frontend apps |
8 |
collections, email-alert-frontend, feedback, finder-frontend, frontend, government-frontend, smart-answers, static
Licensing apps |
3 |
licensify-backend, licensify-frontend, licensify-feed
Publishing apps |
13 |
collections-publisher, contacts-admin, content-publisher, content-tagger, local-links-manager, manuals-publisher, maslow, publisher, service-manual-publisher, short-url-manager, specialist-publisher, travel-advice-publisher, whitehall
Services |
1 |
email-alert-service |
Supporting apps |
7 |
authenticating-proxy, content-data-admin, release, router, search-admin, signon, support
Transition apps |
2 |
bouncer, transition
Utilities |
6 |
github-trello-poster, govspeak-preview, govuk-dependency-checker, govuk-display-screen, govuk-e2e-tests, govuk-pact-broker
| apps |
2 |
ckanext-datagovuk, datagovuk_find
Apps by team
Team |
Count |
Applications |
#data-engineering |
2 |
govuk-knowledge-graph-gcp, govuk-knowledge-graph-search
#dev-notifications-ai-govuk |
2 |
govuk-chat, search-api
#gds-apto-collaboration |
3 |
licensify-backend, licensify-frontend, licensify-feed
#govuk-datagovuk |
2 |
ckanext-datagovuk, datagovuk_find
#govuk-insights-and-analytics |
1 |
govuk-display-screen |
#govuk-navigation-tech |
4 |
collections, frontend, government-frontend, static
#govuk-patterns-and-pages |
9 |
account-api, email-alert-api, email-alert-frontend, email-alert-service, feedback, finder-frontend, local-links-manager, locations-api, places-manager
#govuk-platform-engineering |
8 |
content-data-admin, content-data-api, github-trello-poster, govuk-dependency-checker, govuk-e2e-tests, govuk-pact-broker, release, router
#govuk-publishing-mainstream-experience-tech |
4 |
collections-publisher, content-tagger, publisher, smart-answers
#govuk-publishing-platform |
12 |
asset-manager, authenticating-proxy, bouncer, content-store, govspeak-preview, hmrc-manuals-api, link-checker-api, publishing-api, signon, support, support-api, transition
#govuk-search-improvement |
2 |
search-admin, search-api-v2
#govuk-whitehall-experience-tech |
9 |
contacts-admin, content-publisher, manuals-publisher, maslow, service-manual-publisher, short-url-manager, specialist-publisher, travel-advice-publisher, whitehall
Reuse this data
You can download this data as JSON or as CSV. It’s available for the hosted
applications (apps.json and apps.csv) or
all the repositories (repos.json and repos.csv).
In Google Spreadsheets, use the following formula to import all of the data: