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Application: maslow

Create and manage needs on GOV.UK


Maslow is a tool to create and manage user needs.

Technical documentation

This is a Ruby on Rails app, and should follow our Rails app conventions.

You can use the GOV.UK Docker environment to run the application and its tests with all the necessary dependencies. Follow the usage instructions to get started.

Use GOV.UK Docker to run any commands that follow.


The default rake task runs all the tests and records code coverage:

bundle exec rake

After running the tests, the coverage/ folder contains the generated report.

User accounts

Authentication is provided by the GDS-SSO gem. In the production environment an instance of Signon must be running in order to sign in.

In the development environment, the mock strategy is used by default. This removes the requirement for authentication, instead returning the first user in the database as the current user. This user is defined in db/seeds.rb.


MIT License