This document has not been updated for a while now. It may be out of date.
Last updated:
27 Jul 2023
Nginx requests too low
We monitor the number of requests reaching our Nginx servers. We expect that there will be a minimum number of requests occurring and a check will alert if this falls below a threshold.
View the Nginx logs in Kibana or view the impacted application dashboard on Grafana.
There are a few things to check when this occurs:
- On Staging and Integration, this alert may appear while production data is being copied to the environment. This is because production traffic replay is paused during the copying job.
- It could be a genuine low number of requests. The threshold is configurable in hieradata so we can tweak for environments where we expect to see lower traffic levels.
- It could be indicative of a bigger problem. A previous cause for this has been misconfigured firewall configs on our vSE load balancer.