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Last updated: 21 Nov 2024

MongoDB infra commands

Check the MongoDB version

SSH into a mongo machine and run:

$ mongo --quiet --eval 'db.version()'

Check cluster status

Check cluster status by SSH'ing into a mongo machine and running:

mongo --quiet --eval 'printjson(rs.status())'

This will output a JSON-like representation of the Mongo cluster. The members property contains an array of objects, each including:

  • stateStr: “PRIMARY” for the primary machine, “SECONDARY” for secondary machines. There should only be one primary.
  • name: the address of the machine, e.g.
  • health: 1 if the machine is healthy.
  • lastHeartbeat: shows the last heartbeat error message for the secondaries, or a timestamp if machine is healthy.

The command above cannot be parsed by JSON parsers. You can output true JSON by substituting printjson with JSON.stringify, which you can then manipulate on the command line using something like jq. For example, output just the members array by running:

mongo --quiet --eval 'JSON.stringify(rs.status())' | jq '.members'

Check replication info

Find out where the primary node’s oplog is up to:

$ mongo --quiet --eval 'db.printReplicationInfo()'

configured oplog size:   14392MB
log length start to end: 19991secs (5.55hrs)
oplog first event time:  Mon Aug 22 2022 02:26:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)
oplog last event time:   Mon Aug 22 2022 08:00:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
now:                     Mon Aug 22 2022 10:38:13 GMT+0000 (UTC)

Find out where each secondary is synced to and how far behind the primary they are:

$ mongo --quiet --eval 'db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()'

    syncedTo: Mon Aug 22 2022 08:00:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
    0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary
    syncedTo: Mon Aug 22 2022 08:00:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
    0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary

Step down the primary

“Stepping down” the primary will change it to a secondary machine, and one of the secondary machines will become the new primary.

First, you’ll need to SSH into the primary machine (see “find the primary”).

Once on the machine, you can step it down with the following command:

mongo --quiet --eval 'printjson(rs.stepDown())'

You may see the following output (and an exit code of 252) but the command did in fact work. The machine may also disconnect the current console session after a short while.

2022-08-22T11:18:29.340+0000 DBClientCursor::init call() failed
2022-08-22T11:18:29.341+0000 Error: error doing query: failed at src/mongo/shell/query.js:81

You can verify that it worked by following the “find the primary” instructions again, noting that one of the other machines will be the new primary.

Find the primary

To do this, SSH into each mongo machine in turn, i.e.

gds govuk connect -e staging ssh mongo:1
gds govuk connect -e staging ssh mongo:2
# ... etc

On each machine, run mongo --quiet --eval 'JSON.stringify(rs.isMaster())' | jq '.ismaster'. When the output is true, you’re on the primary machine.

Force resync


This process deletes all data from a MongoDB node and forces a full copy from the current primary member of the replica set. This causes additional load on the primary member of the replica set and reduces the number of available copies of the database, so is best performed at a quiet time. Try not to resync more than one secondary at a time.

To resync a member of a MongoDB cluster:

  1. Check that the member isn’t the primary. Again: do not run this on the primary.
  2. Disable Puppet (govuk_puppet --disable "Forcing mongodb resync")
  3. Stop the app (sudo service mongodb stop)
  4. Wait for the process to stop (ps -C mongod should show no processes)
  5. Delete the data (rm -rf /var/lib/mongodb/*)
  6. Start the app (sudo service mongodb start)
  7. Re-enable Puppet (govuk_puppet --enable)