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Last updated: 29 Aug 2024

Query CDN logs

Fastly, GOV.UK’s content distribution network, logs metadata about HTTP requests to GOV.UK. Fastly sends log files to Amazon S3 every 15 minutes, where we store them for 120 days.

You can query these logs using Amazon Athena to gain insights into GOV.UK traffic.

The same Fastly logs are also available to query in Splunk.

Access Athena

You can use Amazon Athena to query the CDN logs by writing SQL queries.

There is a separate table for each CDN service (roughly corresponding to the hostname in the URL).

  • fastly_logs.bouncer: legacy government website domains which redirect to
  • fastly_logs.govuk_assets:, which hosts static files such as images, attachments, CSS and JavaScript
  • fastly_logs.govuk_www:, including most HTML content and APIs
  • datagovuk.datagovuk: (DGU), the Find open data service

You can access Athena through the AWS console in the production account.

  1. Log in to the production AWS account.
  2. Navigate to Athena.
  3. Select the relevant database (fastly_logs or datagovuk) under Data -> Data source in the left-hand column.

Write an Athena SQL query

Athena is based on the Trino SQL dialect. See Amazon’s documentation:

A basic query could be:

FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE date = 20 AND month = 8 AND year = 2018
ORDER BY request_received DESC

Note the date, month and year fields in the WHERE clause. These special fields represent a data partition. This helps the query engine to read just the data for the date you’re interested in, instead of scanning the entire 120 days of data unnecessarily.

Always query with a partition

Unless you have a good reason to run your query over the entire dataset, always specify just the dates that you care about. This makes your queries:

  • much faster because far less data needs to be scanned
  • more reliable because your query is less likely to time out
  • much cheaper because Athena queries cost $5 per TB of data scanned

Example Athena queries

This is a selection of queries to show some of the ways to query the CDN logs.

You can add to this list if you write a useful query for a new scenario.

How many errors were served to users in a timeframe

SELECT status, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE status >= 500 AND status <= 599
AND request_received >= TIMESTAMP '2018-08-20 08:00'
AND request_received < TIMESTAMP '2018-08-20 12:00'
AND date = 20 AND month = 8 AND year = 2018
GROUP BY status
SELECT url, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE status = 500
AND date = 20 AND month = 8 AND year = 2018

Total number of 5xx’s responses, total requests and percentage of 5xx’s were served to users in a timeframe

SELECT SUM(responses) as "Total 5xx Responses", SUM(requests) "Total Requests",
    SUM(responses) * 100.0 / SUM(SUM(requests)) OVER () AS "5xx % of Total Requests"
        COUNT(CASE WHEN status/100=5 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as responses,
        COUNT(*) AS requests
    FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
    WHERE date = 2 AND month = 6 AND year = 2021
    AND request_received >= TIMESTAMP '2021-06-02 15:00'
    AND request_received < TIMESTAMP '2021-06-02 17:00'

Find out the number of requests per status per hour for a GOV.UK URL

SELECT date_trunc('hour', request_received) as "timestamp",
    COUNT(CASE WHEN status/100=2 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as "2xx",
    COUNT(CASE WHEN status/100=3 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as "3xx",
    COUNT(CASE WHEN status/100=4 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as "4xx",
    COUNT(CASE WHEN status/100=5 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as "5xx",
    COUNT(*) AS total
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE url = '/vat-rates'
AND date = 16 AND month = 7 AND year = 2020
GROUP BY date_trunc('hour', request_received)
ORDER BY timestamp;

IPs with > 1000 requests per minute

SELECT  client_ip, COUNT(*) AS total
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE date = 20 AND month = 12 AND year = 2022
AND request_received > TIMESTAMP '2022-12-20 22:45:00'
AND request_received < TIMESTAMP '2022-12-20 22:55:00'
AND url = '/'
GROUP BY client_ip
HAVING COUNT(*) > 10000;

Requests by JA3 signature

SELECT client_ja3, COUNT(*) AS total
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE date = 20 AND month = 12 AND year = 2022
AND request_received > TIMESTAMP '2022-12-20 22:35:00'
AND request_received < TIMESTAMP '2022-12-20 22:45:00'
AND url = '/'
GROUP BY client_ja3
LIMIT 100;

Tip: you can also group requests by IP address, by swapping client_ja3 for client_ip. See govuk-aws for a full range of fields.

Which GOV.UK pages changed from 200 to a 410 status codes

SELECT response_200.url, MAX(response_200.request_received) AS last_200_response, MIN(response_non_200.request_received) AS first_non_200_response
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www AS response_200
INNER JOIN fastly_logs.govuk_www AS response_non_200
  ON response_200.url = response_non_200.url
  AND response_non_200.method = response_200.method
  AND response_non_200.status = 410
  AND response_non_200.request_received > response_200.request_received
  AND =
  AND response_non_200.month = response_200.month
  AND response_non_200.year = response_200.year
WHERE response_200.status = 200
AND = 21
AND response_200.month = 8
AND response_200.year = 2018
GROUP BY response_200.url
LIMIT 100;

Finding out how frequently a GOV.UK URL is accessed

SELECT date_trunc('hour', request_received) AS hour, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE url = '/vat-rates'
AND date = 20 AND month = 8 AND year = 2018
GROUP BY date_trunc('hour', request_received)
ORDER BY date_trunc('hour', request_received) ASC;

Which assets are being serving most frequently

SELECT url, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_assets
WHERE date = 20 AND month = 8 AND year = 2018

What are the largest assets that were served

SELECT url, bytes, COUNT(*) AS served
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_assets
WHERE date = 20 AND month = 8 AND year = 2018
GROUP BY url, bytes

Which user agents and hosts is bouncer serving to the most

SELECT user_agent, host, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM fastly_logs.bouncer
WHERE date = 20 AND month = 8 AND year = 2018
GROUP BY user_agent, host

TLS versions over time

    COUNT(*) AS hits,
                             COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = 'TLSv1')       AS TLSv10,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = 'TLSv1'), 4)   AS TLSv10_perc,
                             COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = 'TLSv1.1')     AS TLSv11,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = 'TLSv1.1'), 4) AS TLSv11_perc,
                             COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = 'TLSv1.2')     AS TLSv12,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = 'TLSv1.2'), 4) AS TLSv12_perc,
                             COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = 'TLSv1.3')     AS TLSv13,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = 'TLSv1.3'), 4) AS TLSv13_perc,
                             COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = '')            AS unknown,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(tls_client_protocol = ''), 4)        AS unknown_perc
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE fastly_backend != 'force_ssl'
GROUP BY DATE(request_received)
ORDER BY DATE(request_received) ASC;

Requests from Tor exit nodes

-- Tor exit node list from
-- Tor nodes change regularly: the longer back in time you query, the less accurate it will be
SELECT hit_date, hits, tor_hits, 100.0/hits*tor_hits AS tor_perc FROM (
        DATE(request_received) AS hit_date,
        COUNT(*) AS hits,
          CASE WHEN client_ip IN (
            -- list of all exit nodes goes here
          ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS tor_hits
    FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
    WHERE year = 2021 AND month = X
      AND fastly_backend != 'force_ssl'
    GROUP BY DATE(request_received)
    ORDER BY DATE(request_received) ASC

CDN cache response rates

    date_trunc('minute', request_received) AS min,
    COUNT(*) AS hits,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'HIT')       AS hit_cnt,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'HIT'), 4)   AS hit_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'MISS')      AS miss_cnt,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'MISS'), 4)  AS miss_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'ERROR')     AS error_cnt,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'ERROR'), 4) AS error_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'PASS')      AS pass_cnt,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'PASS'), 4)  AS pass_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'SYNTH')     AS synth_cnt,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response = 'SYNTH'), 4) AS synth_pc
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE year = 2021 AND month = 1 AND date = X

CDN cache hit/miss rates

    date_trunc('second', request_received) AS period,
    COUNT(*) AS total_requests,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response NOT IN ('PASS', 'MISS'))     AS cache_hits,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response NOT IN ('PASS', 'MISS')), 3) AS cache_hit_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response IN ('PASS', 'MISS'))         AS cache_misses,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response IN ('PASS', 'MISS')), 3)     AS cache_miss_pc
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE year = 2021 AND month = 1 AND date = X

Cache miss request times by paths with greatest summed request time

    CONCAT('/', SPLIT_PART(SPLIT_PART(url, '/', 2), '?', 1)) AS url_start,
    COUNT(*) AS total_requests,
    ROUND(AVG(request_time), 5) AS average_rq_time,
    CAST(ROUND(SUM(request_time)) AS INTEGER) AS total_rq_time,
    ROUND(MIN(request_time), 3) AS p0,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.5), 3) AS p50,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.7), 3) AS p70,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.8), 3) AS p80,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.9), 3) AS p90,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.95), 3) AS p95,
    ROUND(MAX(request_time), 3) AS p100
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE year = 2020 AND month = 11 AND date = 26
  AND url NOT LIKE '/assets/%'
  AND cache_response IN ('PASS', 'MISS')
LIMIT 1000

CDN hit/miss rates + request times


  • unique IP / user agent combinations
  • cache hit rates
  • mean and summed request time
  • approximated request time percentiles
    date_trunc('minute', request_received) AS period,
    COUNT(*) AS total_requests,
    -- unique IP / user agent combinations
    COUNT(DISTINCT ROW(client_ip, user_agent)) AS total_ip_uas,
    -- cache hit rates
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response NOT IN ('PASS', 'MISS'))     AS cache_hits,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response NOT IN ('PASS', 'MISS')), 3) AS cache_hit_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response IN ('PASS', 'MISS'))         AS cache_misses,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response IN ('PASS', 'MISS')), 3)     AS cache_miss_pc,
    -- mean and summed request time
    ROUND(AVG(request_time), 5) AS average_rq_time,
    CAST(ROUND(SUM(request_time)) AS INTEGER) AS total_rq_time,
    -- approximated request time percentiles
    ROUND(MIN(request_time), 3) AS p0,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.5), 3) AS p50,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.7), 3) AS p70,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.8), 3) AS p80,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.9), 3) AS p90,
    ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(request_time, 0.95), 3) AS p95,
    ROUND(MAX(request_time), 3) AS p100
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE year = 2021 AND month = 2 AND date = X
  AND url LIKE '/find-coronavirus-local-restrictions?postcode=%'

HTTP response code rates

    date_trunc('minute', request_received) AS period,
    COUNT(*) AS total_requests,
                             COUNT_IF(status / 100 = 2)     AS s2xx,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(status / 100 = 2), 3) AS s2xx_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(status / 100 = 3)     AS s3xx,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(status / 100 = 3), 3) AS s3xx_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(status / 100 = 4)     AS s4xx,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(status / 100 = 4), 3) AS s4xx_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(status / 100 = 5)     AS s5xx,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(status / 100 = 5), 3) AS s5xx_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response NOT IN ('PASS', 'MISS'))     AS cache_hits,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response NOT IN ('PASS', 'MISS')), 3) AS cache_hit_pc,
                             COUNT_IF(cache_response IN ('PASS', 'MISS'))         AS cache_misses,
    ROUND(100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(cache_response IN ('PASS', 'MISS')), 3)     AS cache_miss_pc
FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
WHERE year = 2021 AND month = 1 AND date = X

Minutes during the week where error rate was >0.1%

This is the “availability” metric shown on the SMT dashboard.

  date_trunc('week', minute) AS week,
  COUNT(*) AS mins_with_bad_error_rate,
  -- Next line assumes we're calculating for a full week (7 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes)
  -- This will need to be updated if the calculation range is changed.
  -- It'll also be off during weeks where the clocks go forwards / back.
  1.0 - (1.0 / (7 * 24 * 60) * COUNT(*)) AS availability
    date_trunc('minute', request_received) AS minute,
    COUNT(*) AS total_requests,
    COUNT_IF(status BETWEEN 200 AND 499) AS successful_requests,
    100.0 / COUNT(*) * COUNT_IF(status BETWEEN 200 AND 499) AS availability
  FROM fastly_logs.govuk_www
  WHERE year = 2021 AND month = 1 AND date >= 12 AND date <= 12
    AND user_agent NOT LIKE 'GOV.UK Crawler Worker%'
    AND request_received > TIMESTAMP '2021-01-12 15:00:00'
  GROUP BY date_trunc('minute', request_received)
WHERE availability < 99.9
GROUP BY date_trunc('week', minute)
ORDER BY date_trunc('week', minute) ASC;


Little snippets of bits of SQL.

Path without query string

SPLIT_PART(url, '?', 1) AS url_path

Exclude the GOV.UK Crawler

user_agent NOT LIKE 'GOV.UK Crawler Worker%'

Remove extra mirror path information

If an origin request fails and the request is failed over to a static mirror, the path is changed based on the location of the static file within the S3 bucket. E.g. /some/path –> /

REPLACE(REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(url, '?', 1), '/', ''), '.html', '') AS url_path

Count cases of a thing

If you want straight counts, use COUNT_IF. E.g.:

COUNT_IF(status BETWEEN 200 AND 499)

If you want to sum other values, rather than using a straight count, you can use a CASE inside a SUM:

SUM(CASE WHEN ... THEN true_value ELSE false_value END)


SUM(CASE WHEN status BETWEEN 200 AND 499 THEN request_time ELSE 0 END)

Add a new field to the CDN logs

Adding a new field to the CDN logs is a half manual, half automated process and is tracked as tech debt.

You should do this in the Integration environment first and wait until you see the logs coming through to Athena from Fastly. Only then should you change Staging and next Production. This helps us catch syntax errors and incidents early. Note that the bouncer logs are only available in Production.

Firstly, make the manual changes via Terraform and a PR. This ensures that you’ve had two pairs of eyes on both the Athena/AWS Glue config changes and the eventual JSON you will manually put into the Fastly web UI:

  1. Edit the infra-fastly-logs Terraform.
  2. Find the aws_glue_catalog_table resource for the Fastly logs you want to add a column to (govuk_www, govuk_assets or bouncer).
  3. Copy the VCL for the log from Fastly’s list of available logs and add it to the list of commented (//) columns. It’s important that these are in the same format as the preceding commented lines (that is, JSON, with quotes) otherwise Athena won’t parse the logs correctly. Here’s an example for the govuk_www.cache_response column.
  4. Add your new column name, type and description to the JSON below the comments (example for the govuk_www.cache_response column).
  5. Raise a PR, get a review, merge and deploy.

The manual steps to make Fastly send the log data:

  1. Log in to Fastly using the credentials from fastly/deployment_shared_credentials in the 2ndline password store.
  2. Search for the environment, for example “staging”.
  3. On the environment page, click “Real Time Stats”.
  4. Click “Configure” on the page with the graphs.
  5. Click the blue “Edit Configuration” button on the far right to reveal a dropdown menu.
  6. Click “Clone version xxx (active) to edit”.
  7. Click “Logging” in the left hand menu.
  8. Find and click the link for the relevant log, for example “GOV.UK Fastly Logs S3 Bucket”.
  9. Paste the new log format (found in the list of available Fastly logs) into the “Log Format” text box.
  10. Click “Update”.
  11. Click the purple “ACTIVATE” button in the top right corner to make the new configuration live.

Both these sets of steps must be done! Check the S3 bucket and query Athena to see the added column and confirm that there’s data for it. As the crawler runs on a schedule every four hours, it can take a while for Athena to recognise that there have been changes to the configuration. Due to this, it’s advisable to manually run the AWS Glue Crawler for the logs config you have changed once you know that Fastly is correct.

Once you’re happy that the Integration configuration works, you can deploy Terraform to Staging and make the same manual changes in the Fastly UI. Then do Production.


HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Row is not a valid JSON Object

This error indicates that a row in the logs is invalid JSON. It can be very difficult to determine which file this error came from. It could either be caused by a change in the formatting of data sent from Fastly - which would make every record after a timestamp invalid - or by something expected in input which isn’t properly escaped.

There is a tedious process that can be used to identify where there is a problem in a particular JSON file. You can sync all the log files from a day to your local machine and then parse each JSON blob in each of the files with a JSON tool (such as JSON.parse in Ruby) until you find the problem. Once identified you may need to need to contact Fastly about the problem or update the log formatting in Fastly to resolve the issue.


Query CDN logs in Splunk

Fastly logs are also available in Splunk Cloud in the govuk_cdn index.

Example query: all POST requests made in the last 30 minutes.

Gain access to Splunk

You can see the logs if your account has access to GOV.UK’s Splunk. If you do not have access to Splunk, you can request access by raising a support ticket with IT and asking them to enable Splunk for your Google account. You’ll need to:

  • specify “gds-006-govuk” as the Splunk SAML Group you need access to,
  • copy in the Approval Owner as outlined in the Splunk approval list,
  • include the reason why you need access and ask the for approval by replying to the IT support ticket.