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Last updated: 31 Oct 2023

account-api: Rake Tasks

There are a number of Rake tasks available to help with sending content to the Publishing API and administrating users.

Publishing API Tasks

All content items are found in config/content_items.yml

Publish redirects

Publishes all routes in the redirects array


Publish_all special_routes

Publishes all routes in the special_routes array


Publish a help page by name

Publishes a single help page from the help_pages hash, the name being the first key for the required help page.


Publish single special route by content_id


User Support Tasks

Checking a user exists by email address

This will return a message confirming if such a user can be found.


Deleting a user (dry run)

This will return a message confirming if the user exists for deletion, and the user's OICD sub


Deleting a user

This will delete the user, and confirm the user's OICD sub. Deleting a user will also remove any email subscriptions they may have in Email Alert API.


Confirm if a user previously existed by OICD sub

When deleted, a user will create a Tombstone which shares the user's OICD sub. This task will confirm if a user previously existed for a given OICD sub,
