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Last updated: 20 Nov 2020

email-alert-api: 7. Retain data for up to one year

Date: 2020-11-19


The original ADR concerning data retention resides here and outlines our approach from February 2018. At that point in time it was decided we should retain all data in Email Alert Api with the exception of emails which are archived to S3 & deleted after a week.

Since then we've come to realise that a revision of our data retention policy is needed as we're generating more data that will never be used again - by us, or the system.

This was initially prompted by recent work to migrate subscribers to daily digest emails which lead to an increase in the amount of unmanaged data we produce and store locally in Email Alert Api. Consequently, this provoked worries that perpetually keeping data could result in capacity issues due to the rapid increase in data being stored. An example being we now generate ~430,000 DigestRunSubscriber records each day which is about eight times the amount compared to that of ten months ago.

We've also gained more insight into what data we're not using for analytics. The original plan documented in the previous retention policy was to retain as much data as possible to enable us to do as much analysis as needed in the future. However, much of this data is never used for analysis and so doesn't serve a purpose in the email system.

Contrary to what was previously thought, storing lots of unused data indefinitely actually complicates and pollutes our auditing and analysis. An example of this can be seen if we look at subscriber lists. We have over ~73,000 lists with active subscribers but in the last week alone, we've accumulated 1139 lists which don't have any subscriptions at all (ended or active). These unused lists prevent us from doing simple auditing tasks easily, like finding which lists to report on.

Knowing the above, we thought about how we could clean-up this unused data to keep Email Alert Api's database manageable going forward. There are a couple of different approaches to consider, including storing unused data in cloud storage away from the system's database (like we do when archiving emails) and subsequently deleting the data locally. Or, setting up a means of removing the data we don't use from the system entirely.


We decided that historic, unused data should be removed periodically from the system entirely. It was concluded that the data the system no longer uses should only exist for a maximum of 1 year before removal. We sometimes analyse historic data from up to a year ago but we have no evidence of needing this data for analytics beyond a year.

The following list documents our approach to the decision for different data in the system.

  • ContentChange, Message & DigestRun. Remove once their created_at value is over a year old.

  • MatchedContentChange, MatchedMessage & DigestRunSubscriber. Removed automatically when their parent ContentChange/Message/DigestRun is deleted.

  • Subscription. Remove subscriptions when they've been ended for over a year, based on their ended_at value. Once a subscription is ended it can't currently be made active again and so can be deleted.

  • Previously subscribed to SubscriberList. Remove lists when they have no active subscriptions and their latest, ended subscription is over a year old. It is possible for a list we deem as historic to be subscribed to again, however this seems unlikely due to the list not having any active subscriptions for over a year. If this was to happen, after the list has been deleted then a new SubscriberList record will be generated.

  • Unused SubscriberList. Remove lists which have never had any subscriptions and are over 7 days old. A scenario of when this can happen is when a user quits their signup journey midway through. 7 days was the chosen retention period to allow users to complete their signup journey as they have a 7 day limit to confirm their subscription. As mentioned in the context section, unused subscriber lists pollute our analytics and so we should remove them regularly.

  • Subscriber. Remove subscribers once their created_at is over a year old and they don't have any subscriptions (active or ended). Subscribers should only be without subscriptions when their historic subscriptions have been deleted. This means we should be able to delete all subscribers (under a year old too) that don't have any subscriptions. However, we don't delete these subscribers to prevent us from removing new subscribers that lack subscriptions, due to flaws in our code. Some examples of where it was unintentionally possible to end up with subscribers with no subscriptions can be found here and here.

Emails (and their associated SubscriptionContents) are the one place where we already manage retention - these are held locally for 7 days, and also archived to Athena indefinitely. We still need this low retention for Emails in order to manage the size of the table. However, the archiving to Athena is inconsistent with the above decision to delete unused data entirely. While we originally thought Athena might serve as a data source for analytics, this has not happened in practice, so the archive data stored there is entirely unused. We therefore decided to remove the archiving mechanism for Emails, since it has no value.




Historic deletion worker

We implemented a worker which runs periodically every day at midday. Removing this data was deemed as non urgent and so deleting once a day, in hours, seemed sufficient.

The first historic deletion run

On the first run of the worker which handles deleting historical data we removed over 33 million records. A breakdown of the amount of deletions per model can be found below:

  • ContentChange - 148,617

  • MatchedContentChange - 1,825,983

  • Message - 15

  • MatchedMessage - 16,099

  • DigestRun - 677

  • DigestRunSubscriber - 30,858,770

  • Subscription - 1,046,576

  • SubscriberList - 11,470

  • Subscriber - 196,376

Restrict analytics to 1 year of unused data

We now restrict our unused data for analytics to a period of at most 1 year. This means any queries looking for this data (e.g. ended subscriptions over a year old) will be met with no results. We don't expect this to be an issue due to our current expectation of the data we'll need for future analytics.

Modify the nullify process and retire the deactivated concept

When documenting our data retention policy as described in this ADR, we found it difficult to understand and document the tangential concept of deactivating and nullifying subscribers.

To give some context on these concepts:

  • Nullifying subscribers means to update the address of Subscriber records to nil which have been unsubscribed from all subscriptions, for more than 28 days.

  • Deactivating subscribers is a concept that revolves around the deactivated_at field on the subscriber model. This field is populated when a subscriber unsubscribes from their last active subscription. It is used as a means to determine when a subscriber can be nullified.

We can however obtain the information held within deactivated_at through the ended_at field of the most recent ended subscription of an unsubscribed user, meaning the deactivated concept is superfluous.

Subsequently we didn't want to spend energy documenting a process that didn't make much sense to begin with so it was decided that it would be easier (and beneficial as a whole) to just remove the deactivated concept completely.

In removing the deactivated concept we modified the nullify process to use ended_at, as described above, instead of deactivated_at. We also updated the process to nullify subscribers which have no subscriptions (active or ended) and are older than 28 days. This prevents the system from storing user's personal data longer than needed, if for whatever reason, a subscriber is created without any subscriptions. See examples of where this happened here and here.

Deprecate archiving Email to Athena

We have planned work to remove it in the future. In the meantime, we consider archiving to Athena to be deprecated, and have updated the documentation around it to reflect this status.