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Repository: govuk-crd-library

Library of K8s CRDs that GOV.UK depends on

#govuk-platform-engineering owns the repo. #govuk-platform-support receives automated alerts for this repo.


A tool to automatically fetch and process CRDs for use with kubeconform.

How it works

The fetcher tool takes a list of repositories to scan and outputs a directory with the CRDs found converted to JSON OpenAPI schemas for use with tools such as kubeconform. It also generates an HTML index page which lists the available schemas.

This repo also contains a GitHub Actions workflow which runs the fetcher tool and uploads the result to GitHub Pages.


Running the fetcher locally

With Nix

  1. Start a shell
  2. Run the fetcher
    python src -s sources.yaml -o out

Without Nix

  1. Ensure Python 3, Git and Helm are installed
  2. Set up the virtualenv
    python -m venv env
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the fetcher
    python src -s sources.yaml -o out

Adding new CRD sources

The repositories and charts scanned for CRDs is specified in sources.yaml. There is an example entry for both Git and Helm repositories in sources.example.yaml.


Helm charts are rendered using helm template before being scanned for CRDs. Some charts require values to be specified for it to render CRDs. This can be done by providing the values in the form of a YAML string in the values key.

#### Git

Git repositories are cloned, then immediately scanned for CRDs. If the CRDs are templated or require additional processing before being consumed, this tool will not be able to parse them. In this case, if a Helm chart is also provided, that should be used instead.