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Last updated: 9 Sep 2021

govuk-data-science-workshop: Assumptions and caveats log

This log contains a list of assumptions and caveats used in this analysis.


Assumptions are RAG-rated according to the following definitions for quality and impact[^1]:

[^1]: With thanks to the Home Office Analytical Quality Assurance team for these definitions.

RAG Assumption quality Assumption impact
Green Reliable assumption, well understood and/or documented; anything up to a validated & recent set of actual data. Marginal assumptions; their changes have no or limited impact on the outputs.
Amber Some evidence to support the assumption; may vary from a source with poor methodology to a good source that is a few years old. Assumptions with a relevant, even if not critical, impact on the outputs.
Red Little evidence to support the assumption; may vary from an opinion to a limited data source with poor methodology. Core assumptions of the analysis; the output would be drastically affected by their change.

Assumption 1: Insert plain English title here

  • Quality: Insert RAG rating here
  • Impact: Insert RAG rating here

Add plain English description here.

Assumption 2: Insert plain English title here

  • Quality: Insert RAG rating here
  • Impact: Insert RAG rating here

Add plain English description here.