Repository: govuk-developer-docs
📖 Tech docs for everyone working on GOV.UK
This is a static site generated with Middleman, using alphagov/tech-docs-template.
Some of the files (like the CSS, javascripts and layouts) are managed in the template and are not supposed to be modified here. Any project-specific
Ruby code needs to go into /app
Build the app locally
bundle install
Run the tests locally
bundle exec rake
Run the app locally
Proxy pages
The live docs site includes pages from other alphagov GitHub repositories. To test this locally, omit SKIP_PROXY_PAGES=true
from the command above.
The app downloads these “proxy pages” at startup and this can cause GitHub to rate limit your requests. You can pass a valid GitHub API token to the app to help avoid this:
Create a GitHub token. The token doesn’t need any scopes.
Store the token in a .env
Start the application:
Update to the latest Tech Docs template
We host GOV.UK Developer Docs as a static site on GitHub Pages. The ci.yml GitHub Actions workflow updates the site automatically:
- when a PR is merged to the default branch
- on an hourly schedule, to pick up changes to docs included from other repos
Build the static site locally
NO_CONTRACTS=true bundle exec middleman build
This will create a build
directory containing a set of HTML files.
MIT License