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Last updated: 1 Mar 2023

govuk-docker: 2. Docker images for Ruby Applications

Date: 2020-11-17


In order to run GOV.UK applications in a Docker environment we need Docker images. GOV.UK had previously created Docker images for various applications to enable the publishing-e2e-tests suite, which runs a containerised version of the GOV.UK publishing stack. These images were defined with a Dockerfile in the root of a project's repository (example) and, as they are the only Dockerfile for a project, were essentially the defacto Docker images for GOV.UK applications.

Attempting to reuse these images in the GOV.UK Docker development environment revealed a number of problems:

  1. Any time a Ruby project's Gem dependencies changed the image would need to be rebuilt which required re-installing every single gem, which could be a slow process.
  2. As Gem dependencies were stored within a project's image no Gems could be shared across applications - this meant that the initialisation process for multiple GOV.UK apps could be frustratingly slow with the same Gems installed in each different image, it also resulted in high disk usage.
  3. The images were only exercised in publishing-e2e-tests which ran them in production mode, this meant they didn't necessarily have sufficient dependencies for development usage (e.g. Google Chrome for UI testing).
  4. The images embedded the application's files - this meant that by default any edits to files would require the image to be rebuilt.

Thus we considered whether it would be appropriate to modify these images to solve the problems or to create different images for GOV.UK Docker.


We decided that we should not reuse the existing images and that we would resolve the problems with a different image approach for GOV.UK Docker. While some of the problems could be resolved we reasoned that the existing images represent standard industry practice for web application images and that this practice was optimised for running a production instance of an application. We felt that the needs of production and development were sufficiently distinct that it would be simpler to have separate images than try to consolidate.

We instead created a Dockerfile that is stored in GOV.UK Docker and this is used by the majority of GOV.UK Docker Ruby projects. This base Dockerfile contains a collection of common dependencies used by a significant number of projects. Projects that have additional dependencies have their own Dockerfiles. This allowed us to ensure that projects had their necessary development dependencies.

We resolved the problems for Gem installations with a shared Docker mount. Using this allowed the installation, and thus updating, of Ruby versions and Gems to be done outside a Docker build process, meaning these tasks can be achieved without rebuilding the image. This shared mount is used across projects and allows Ruby and Gem dependencies to be reused.

We resolved the problem of embedded files with a mount for the ~/govuk directory. This mount allows containers to access application code and for this code to be modified without requiring an image rebuild. Using this broad directory allows projects to access other projects when necessary which assists working with local versions of Gems.




With most GOV.UK Docker projects lacking an individual Dockerfile there is substantially less Docker configuration to manage and there is a reduced risk of inconsistencies. This also reduces the difficulty in adding new projects to GOV.UK Docker.

The containers in GOV.UK Docker lack the property of being a unit of software that packages up all code and dependencies which may be surprising. However, it is unclear that container principles can be easily applied to Ruby-on-Rails development environments without the problems we experienced.

By storing the Dockerfile in GOV.UK Docker there is only a very weak coupling between the minimal set of system packages installed on the image, and those used by the application. This will mean that changes to system packages need coordinating in both the application repository and GOV.UK Docker. This is however a rare occurrence, due to the minimal number of system packages in the Dockerfile used by GOV.UK Docker.

GOV.UK will have multiple Dockerfiles for the same application raising a risk of confusion for developers. While there remains a Dockerfile in the root of repositories developers may expect that this is somewhat related to the GOV.UK Docker project.