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Last updated: 9 Jun 2020

publishing-api: Data Cleanup Plan: 17th December, 2015

Update: This plan was carried out successfully on Thursday 17th, December 2015 at 12.30pm.

Currently, there is data in the content store that is not accurately reflected in the publishing api. This is largely due to the publishing api being under development at the time that this data was pushed through the system.


In simple terms, the plan is to fix some data problems with content store and then use this to rebuild the publishing api from scratch. The live publishing api database will then be swapped out for the newly built one.

This is made more complicated by the fact that the publishing api is under constant usage and so there are some steps towards the end to ensure that any requests that came in whilst the system was rebuilding are re-applied.


This outlines the steps that we plan to take to remedy this situation:

  1. Deduplicate draft and live content items

rake data_hygiene:content_items:deduplicate

  1. Generate content ids for draft content items

rake data_hygiene:generate_content_id

  1. Reuse/generate content ids where missing the live content store

rake data_hygiene:reuse_content_id IMPORT_PATH=./tmp/generated_content_ids.txt

  1. Generate public_updated_at timestamps where missing in both content stores

draft content store

rake data_hygiene:assign_public_updated_at

live content store

rake data_hygiene:assign_public_updated_at

  1. Fix base_paths with missing locale suffix

draft content store

rake data_hygiene:locale_base_path_cleanup:cleanup

live content store

rake data_hygiene:locale_base_path_cleanup:cleanup

  1. Make a note of the created_at timestamp of the last Event recorded in the publishing-api

rails runner "puts Event.last.created_at"

  1. Export all path reservations from the publishing api

rake export_path_reservations[tmp/path_reservations.json]

  1. Perform a data export from the live content store

rake data_hygiene:export_content_items:all

  1. Resolve content_id mismatches between draft and live content stores using the exported data from step 8

rake data_hygiene:draft_content_id_cleanup:cleanup FILE_PATH=./tmp/content_items_2015-12-xx_xx-xx-xx.json

  1. Perform a data export from the draft content store

rake data_hygiene:export_content_items:all

Note The following steps need to be performed against a reset publishing api database:

  1. Perform a data import from the live data dump into the publishing api

rake import_content_items[./../content-store/tmp/content_items_2015-12-xx_xx-xx-xx.json,'live']

  1. Perform a data import from the draft data dump into the publishing api

rake import_content_items[./../content-store/tmp/content_items_2015-12-xx_xx-xx-xx.json,'draft']

  1. Re-apply the exported path reservations

rake import_path_reservations[tmp/path_reservations.json]

  1. Perform a data export from the live publishing api for events since the timestamp noted in step 6) using the rake task here:

Note: This should be carried out at a quiet time when the publishing api is not receiving traffic (weekend?).

rake events:export TIMESTAMP="2015-12-11 12:30:00"

  1. Re-apply the events to the publishing api import from the file generated in step 8) using the rake task here:

rake events:import

  1. Make a note of the last event timestamp in the publishing api import database

rails runner "puts Event.last.created_at"

  1. Stop the publishing-api application for all backends using fabric scripts
fab <env> node_type:backend app.stop:publishing-api
  1. Make another export of events from the production publishing api database from the timestamp captured 2 steps previously

rake events:export TIMESTAMP="2015-12-11 17:30:00"

  1. Re-apply the events to the publishing api import database to cover any events missed in the major event import replay

rake events:import

  1. Backup the import publishing api database
pg_dump -c -C -f publishing_api_import.sql publishing_api_import
  1. Backup the live publishing api database
pg_dump -c -C -f publishing_api_production.sql publishing_api_production
  1. Rename production and import publishing api databases
psql template1

template1=# select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity where datname='publishing_api_production';ALTER DATABASE publishing_api_production RENAME TO publishing_api_production_replaced;select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity where datname='publishing_api_import';ALTER DATABASE publishing_api_import RENAME TO publishing_api_production;
  1. Start the publishing-api backends
fab <env> node_type:backend app.start:publishing-api