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Repository: terraform-govuk-tfe-workspacer

Terraform module to create and configure Workspace(s) in Terraform Cloud/Enterprise.

#govuk-platform-engineering owns the repo. #govuk-platform-support receives automated alerts for this repo.


Terraform module to create, configure, and manage Workspaces in HCP Terraform or Terraform Enterprise.


module "workspacer" {
  source  = "alexbasista/workspacer/tfe"

  organization   = "my-hcptf-or-tfe-org-name"
  workspace_name = "my-new-ws"
  workspace_desc = "Description of my new Workspace."
  workspace_tags = ["tag1", "tag2", "tagz"]
  project_name   = "Default Project"

  tfvars = {
    teststring = "iamstring"
    testlist   = ["1", "2", "3"]
    testmap    = { "a" = "1", "b" = "2", "c" = "3" }

📝 Note: Setting a TFE_TOKEN environment variable is the recommended approach for the TFE provider authentication.

See the examples directory for more detailed example scenarios, and see the following section for optional configurations/features.

Configuration Options


To place the Workspace into an existing Project, set the input variable project_name.

project_name = "my-project"

With VCS

The optional vcs_repo input variable expects a map of key/value pairs with up to six attributes.

Using an OAuth Token

  vcs_repo = {
    identifier     = "<VCS organization>/<VCS repository name>"
    branch         = "main"
    oauth_token_id = "ot-abcdefg123456789"

Using a GitHub App Installation ID

  vcs_repo = {
    identifier                 = "<VCS organization>/<VCS repository name>"
    branch                     = "main"
    github_app_installation_id = "ghain-abcdefg123456789"

Workspace Variables

This module strives to make creating Workspace Variables more streamlined, and closer to the look and feel of using a terraform.tfvars file (key/value pairs) when creating them. There are four different optional input variables available for creating Workspace Variables:

Terraform Variables

tfvars accepts a map of key/value pairs of any type, and tfvars_sensitive is the same except it will also mark the variable(s) as sensitive upon creation.

  tfvars = {
    teststring = "iamstring"
    testlist   = ["1", "2", "3"]
    testmap    = { "a" = "1", "b" = "2", "c" = "3" }

  tfvars_sensitive = {
    secret      = "securestring"
    secret_list = ["sec1", "sec2", "sec3"]
    secret_map  = { "x" = "sec4", "y" = "sec5", "z" = "sec6" }

Environment Variables

envvars accepts a map of strings, and envvars_sensitive is the same except it will also mark the variable(s) as sensitive upon creation.

  envvars = {

  envvars_sensitive = {

Team Access

To configure RBAC on the Workspace, there are two options:

Built-In Permissions

The team_access input variable accepts a map of strings whereby each key/value pair is the (existing) Team name and built-in permission level.

  team_access = {
    "example-team-1" = "read"
    "example-team-2" = "write"
    "example-team-3" = "admin"

Custom Permissions

The custom_team_access input variable accepts a map of objects whereby each object represents a set of custom team permission levels. The object key is the (existing) Team name. The way the TFE provider and API currently work, all five of the object attributes must be specified together when using.

  custom_team_access = {
    "example-team-1" = {
      runs              = "read"
      variables         = "read"
      state_versions    = "read"
      sentinel_mocks    = "none"
      workspace_locking = false
      run_tasks         = false
    "example-team-2" = {
      runs              = "plan"
      variables         = "write"
      state_versions    = "read-outputs"
      sentinel_mocks    = "read"
      workspace_locking = true
      run_tasks         = true


To create Notifications, the notifications input variable accepts a list of objects, whereby each object is a Notification configuration.

  notifications = [
      name             = "test-notification-generic"
      destination_type = "generic"
      url              = ""
      token            = "abcdefg123456789"
      triggers         = ["run:needs_attention"]
      enabled          = true
      name             = "test-notification-email"
      destination_type = "email"
      email_user_ids   = ["abasista"]
      triggers         = ["run:completed", "run:errored"]
      enabled          = true
      name             = "test-notification-slack"
      destination_type = "slack"
      url              = ""
      triggers         = ["run:completed", "run:errored"]
      enabled          = true

Run Triggers

To add Run Triggers, the run_trigger_source_workspaces input variable accepts a list of (existing) Workspace names.

  run_trigger_source_workspaces = [

Variable Sets

To add the Workspace into one or more already existing Variable Sets, the input variable variable_set_names accepts a list of Variable Set names.

  variable_set_names = [

Policy Sets

To add the Workspace into one or more already existing Policy Sets, the input variable policy_set_names accepts a list of Policy Set names.

  policy_set_names = [


To configure an SSH key on your Workspace, set the SSH key ID via the input ssh_key_id. This value should NOT be the name of the SSH key as it appears in the HCP Terraform or TFE UI. If you do not have the ID of your SSH key, you can extract it using the command below. Note: This key is only used when a workspace needs to access a private git repository to pull in a module from a git-based module URL or git submodule.

$ curl  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TFE_TOKEN \



  • Due to some current provider-interfacing/API challenges with Workspace Variables, any non-string Workspace Variable value (where the hcl attribute would equal true) will be JSON-encoded and subsequently any : characters will be replaced with =. Therefore, non-string Workspace Variable values that contain a colon character are not currently supported.

<!– raw HTML omitted –>


Name Version
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> terraform >= 1.9
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> tfe ~> 0.62


Name Version
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> tfe ~> 0.62


Name Type resource
tfe_run_trigger.rt resource
tfe_team_access.custom resource
tfe_team_access.managed resource
tfe_variable.envvars resource
tfe_variable.envvars_ignore_changes resource
tfe_variable.envvars_sensitive resource
tfe_variable.tfvars resource
tfe_variable.tfvars_ignore_changes resource
tfe_variable.tfvars_sensitive resource resource resource resource
tfe_workspace_variable_set.vs resource data source data source
tfe_team.custom data source
tfe_team.managed data source
tfe_variable_set.vs data source
tfe_workspace_ids.run_triggers data source


Name Description Type Default Required
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> organization Name of Organization to create Workspace in. string n/a yes
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> workspace_name Name of Workspace to create. string n/a yes
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> agent_pool_id ID of existing Agent Pool to assign to Workspace. Only valid when execution_mode is set to agent. string null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> allow_destroy_plan Boolean setting to allow destroy plans on Workspace. bool true no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> assessments_enabled Boolean to enable Health Assessments such as Drift Detection on Workspace. bool false no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> auto_apply Boolean to automatically run a Terraform apply after a successful Terraform plan. bool false no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> custom_team_access Map of existing Team(s) and custom permissions to grant on Workspace. If used, all keys in the object must be specified. <!– raw HTML omitted –>map(<!– raw HTML omitted –> object(<!– raw HTML omitted –> {<!– raw HTML omitted –> runs = string<!– raw HTML omitted –> variables = string<!– raw HTML omitted –> state_versions = string<!– raw HTML omitted –> sentinel_mocks = string<!– raw HTML omitted –> workspace_locking = bool<!– raw HTML omitted –> run_tasks = bool<!– raw HTML omitted –> }<!– raw HTML omitted –> )<!– raw HTML omitted –> )<!– raw HTML omitted –> {} no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> envvars Map of Environment variables to add to Workspace. map(string) {} no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> envvars_ignore_changes Map of sensitive Environment variables to add to Workspace whereby changes made outside of Terraform will be ignored. map(string) {} no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> envvars_sensitive Map of sensitive Environment variables to add to Workspace. map(string) {} no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> execution_mode Execution mode of Workspace. Valid values are remote, local, or agent. string null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> file_triggers_enabled Boolean to filter Runs triggered via webhook (VCS push) based on working_directory and trigger_prefixes. bool true no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> force_delete Boolean to allow deletion of the Workspace if there is a Terraform state that contains resources. bool null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> global_remote_state Boolean to allow all Workspaces within the Organization to remotely access the State of this Workspace. bool false no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> notifications List of Notification objects to configure on Workspace. <!– raw HTML omitted –>list(<!– raw HTML omitted –> object(<!– raw HTML omitted –> {<!– raw HTML omitted –> name = string<!– raw HTML omitted –> destination_type = string<!– raw HTML omitted –> url = optional(string)<!– raw HTML omitted –> token = optional(string)<!– raw HTML omitted –> email_addresses = optional(list(string))<!– raw HTML omitted –> email_user_ids = optional(list(string))<!– raw HTML omitted –> triggers = list(string)<!– raw HTML omitted –> enabled = bool<!– raw HTML omitted –> }<!– raw HTML omitted –> )<!– raw HTML omitted –> )<!– raw HTML omitted –> [] no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> policy_set_names List of names of existing Policy Sets to add this Workspace into. list(string) [] no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> project_name Name of existing Project to create Workspace in. string null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> queue_all_runs Boolean setting for Workspace to automatically queue all Runs after creation. bool true no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> remote_state_consumer_ids List of existing Workspace IDs allowed to remotely access the State of Workspace. list(string) null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> run_trigger_source_workspaces List of existing Workspace names that will trigger runs on Workspace. list(string) [] no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> speculative_enabled Boolean to allow Speculative Plans on Workspace. bool true no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> ssh_key_id SSH private key the Workspace will use for downloading Terraform modules from Git-based module sources. Key must exist in Organization first. string null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> structured_run_output_enabled Boolean to enable the advanced Run UI. Set to false for the traditional console-based Run output. bool true no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> tags_regex A regular expression used to trigger a Run in Workspace for matching Git tags. This option conflicts with trigger_patterns and trigger_prefixes. Should only set this value if the former is not being used. string null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> team_access Map of existing Team(s) and built-in permissions to grant on Workspace. map(string) {} no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> terraform_version Version of Terraform to use for this Workspace. string null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> tfvars Map of Terraform variables to add to Workspace. any {} no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> tfvars_ignore_changes Map of Terraform variables to add to Workspace whereby changes made outside of Terraform will be ignored. any {} no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> tfvars_sensitive Map of sensitive Terraform variables to add to Workspace. any {} no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> trigger_patterns List of glob patterns that describe the files monitored for changes to trigger Runs in Workspace. Mutually exclusive with trigger_prefixes. Only available with TFC. list(string) null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> trigger_prefixes List of paths relative to the root of the VCS repo to filter on when file_triggers_enabled is true. list(string) null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> variable_set_names List of names of existing Variable Sets to add this Workspace into. list(string) [] no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> vcs_repo Object containing settings to connect Workspace to a VCS repository. <!– raw HTML omitted –>object({<!– raw HTML omitted –> identifier = string<!– raw HTML omitted –> branch = optional(string, null)<!– raw HTML omitted –> oauth_token_id = optional(string, null)<!– raw HTML omitted –> github_app_installation_id = optional(string, null)<!– raw HTML omitted –> ingress_submodules = optional(bool, false)<!– raw HTML omitted –> tags_regex = optional(string, null)<!– raw HTML omitted –> })<!– raw HTML omitted –> null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> working_directory The relative path that Terraform will execute within. Defaults to the root of the repo. string null no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> workspace_desc Description of Workspace. string "Created by 'workspacer' Terraform module." no
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> workspace_tags List of tag names to apply to Workspace. Tags must only contain letters, numbers, or colons. list(string) [] no


Name Description
<!– raw HTML omitted –><!– raw HTML omitted –> workspace_id ID of Workspace.
<!– raw HTML omitted –>