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Last updated: 29 Jan 2024

Local frontend development

Running applications locally

There are several ways of running applications locally when developing and you should choose the option that works best for your situation. For frontend developers, the following is recommended.

  • if you are making changes in a single application, use the startup scripts
  • if you are making changes in an application that relies upon a change in the components gem, use the startup scripts and point the application at your local components gem
  • if you are making changes that require a local static, use either govuk-docker or a combination of govuk-docker and the startup scripts

The following sections contain specific details of these approaches.

Using govuk-docker

This assumes that you have already installed and setup govuk-docker. We will use government-frontend as an example here, but these instructions apply to any frontend app.

If you are making changes to a frontend app and nothing else, you can view these changes by running the following:

cd ~/govuk/govuk-docker
make government-frontend

cd ~/govuk/government-frontend
govuk-docker-up app-live
# You can now view the app on

If you want to test changes in static against a frontend app, you need to tell Docker to look at your local version of static rather than live:

cd ~/govuk/govuk-docker/projects/government-frontend

Open government-frontend‘s docker-compose.yml file, then edit the live config to depend on static and remove the live static environment:

    <<: *government-frontend-app
    - static-app # This tells docker that the app relies on static running locally
    # Comment out this line to stop pointing to live static

We can now run the frontend application as normal:

cd ~/govuk/govuk-docker
make government-frontend

cd ~/govuk/government-frontend
govuk-docker-up app-live
# You can now view the app on

Some frontend apps can be run against integration too. For example:

cd ~/govuk/collections
govuk-docker-up app-integration

For frontend, if you wish to develop the CSV Preview functionality without having a local copy of Asset Manager, you will need to obtain a bearer token for Asset Manager from the integration Signon, then add it as the value for ASSET_MANAGER_BEARER_TOKEN in projects/frontend/docker-compose.yml.

Using startup scripts

If you are making changes to certain frontend apps you can also view these changes by running the application’s ./ script - if it has one. This example is for government-frontend, but these instructions may apply to other frontend apps.

cd ~/govuk/government-frontend
./ --live
# Check the output to see what port the app is running on, e.g: localhost:3005

Using startup scripts and govuk-docker

If you need to run a local application with a local version of static it is also possible to do this with a combination of a startup script and govuk-docker.

First make and run static using govuk-docker using the instructions elsewhere on this page. Your local static should be running at

Next, modify your application’s script to point to this local static. Find the equivalent of the following line:


Modify it to the following and then run the startup script as normal. The first page may take a few minutes to appear.


Using a local components gem

If you want to test changes in govuk_publishing_components against a frontend app, you need to edit your frontend app Gemfile first:

gem 'govuk_publishing_components', path: '../govuk_publishing_components'

To make this change take effect when using govuk-docker, do the following.

cd [directory where application is]
govuk-docker-run bundle install
govuk-docker-up app-live
# You can now view the app on

To make this change take effect when using startup scripts, do the following.

cd [directory where application is]
bundle update govuk_publishing_components

Some components, such as the cookie banner, are pulled in by Static. To test changes to this component locally, we need to run a frontend app against both local static and local govuk_publishing_components. Remember to update the Gemfile in both Static and the application.


JavaScript changes not appearing/JavaScript not working properly

Sometimes the main JavaScript files cannot be served properly when running locally. This happens when Rails automatically inserts fingerprinting into the script URLs when it is not needed e.g. application-834y2r2hr292y9r.js is being requested, but only application.js exists.

A workaround is to modify _layout_for_public.html.erb in your local govuk_publishing_components to hardcode the URLs to the broken JavaScript files (application.js, load-analytics and any others you need). For example, change:

<%= javascript_include_tag "govuk_publishing_components/load-analytics" %>


<script src="/assets/static/govuk_publishing_components/load-analytics.js"></script>

504 Timeout Errors

Assets can load slowly, which means we get frequent timeouts when running apps locally. Some developers find that the following workaround can help:

  1. Set config.assets.debug to false in the development.rb file in your frontend app
  2. Run bundle exec rake assets:precompile manually
  3. Start your app as normal

Port already in use

You might sometimes find that you have something running on a port still, which stops you from starting up an app. To kill a process running on a port:

# replace [port number]
sudo fuser -k [port number]/tcp

Changes in assets don’t appear

Occasionally when using govuk-docker you might find that changes made to JavaScript or Sass files aren’t reflected in the browser, particularly when running a local Static and making changes to govuk_publishing_components. If this happens try the following.

  • Check that all of your locally running applications are pointing at your local govuk_publishing_components.
  • Check the static/public/assets directory. If it contains any pre-compiled assets try deleting them and restarting.
  • Try restarting your locally running docker applications.
  • If none of that works, you may have to recreate your local govuk-docker applications. Try removing all volumes, containers and images, and re-making all of your applications.