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Last updated: 19 Sep 2023

finder-frontend: GA4 filter expand/collapse tracking

The ga4-event-tracker is used in finders to add tracking to the filter accordion headings, and the mobile "Filter" toggle button. It tracks if these elements have been expanded or collapsed.

The tracking relies on the ga4-finder-tracker running the setFilterIndexes function first. This is because we need the indexes to be appended onto the parent for each filter, so that when a filter is expanded or collapsed, we can use this index to track the position that the filter is in the whole list of filters.

Therefore, some code exists in expander.js and option-select.js to wait for a custom JavaScript event before setting any GA4 attributes. This event is called ga4-filter-indexes-added. The setFilterIndexes function fires the ga4-filter-indexes-added event when it has finished running. When this event has fired, addFilterButtonTracking in ga4-finder-tracker will then be called, and will set the relevant GA4 attributes on each filter's accordion heading.

The mobile "Filter" toggle button doesn't rely on setFilterIndexes, because it only uses an index_total in its tracking, which can be grabbed by running document.querySelectorAll(['data-ga4-filter-parent']).length. The filter accordion headings however need their specific index position within the filter list, which is why they wait for more specific indexes to be added to the DOM first.

The addFilterButtonTracking function in ga4-finder-tracker, which adds GA4 attributes to the filter accordion headings, will grab the data-ga4-index value from the trigger button's parent div when run. It will then merge the index attributes onto the existing GA4 object we have constructed for the buttons, and then append the completed GA4 object to the button.