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Last updated: 30 Jun 2017

link-checker-api: End of blitz summary - April 2017

This project was created during the 2 week GOV.UK blitz of April 2017, this document serves as a round up of what we consider the next steps of this project could be and areas we feel could be improved.


Define a "good enough" format for errors or warnings

Throughout the blitz we adopted different formats for reporting issues back to users.

It started with:

"problem_code": "Human readable message"

Then we realised in the case of redirects you could have the same warning multiple times so it evolved to:

"problem_code": ["Human readable message", "another human readable message potentially"]

After this we experimented with implementations and learnt that our messages were quite long to display in full and that there was a need to have a short human readable message to summarise them. So the message increased in complexity to:

"problem_code": {
  "short_description": "Short message",
  "long_description": ["Human readable message", "another human readable message potentially"]`

We then wanted to simplify this and felt that we could use the problem_code attribute as the short description so we settled on this:

"Short message": ["Human readable message", "another human readable message potentially"]

This does the job but doesn't really sit right with us, it feels a bit too opaque for the purpose of the various strings and the array of messages can produce confusing results when messages are repeated.

Finally the actual content of the message has been a challenge, luckily we had Ben who did research and helped define the technical level of the users of the messages. Although we have still ended up a little stuck where we have lots of problematic scenarios to explain but we are writing to an audience technical level that may not care about the differentiations.

How we could improve this

Considering that this service produces messages that should be output directly to end users we need to identify something that is good enough for that purpose, but not too tied into a particular applications implementation. It feels reasonable that a short form of an error is included, but we should also see if we can find a way to avoid an array of messages - as these can be confusing repeated.

A rough suggestion on how we could format them is as follows:

  "code": "problem_code",
  "title": "Short message",
  "details": "Human readable message that can cover multiple warnings"

Other options could be to include a technical message and a non-technical message so the application implementing it chooses what to display depending on their audience. There could even be a "suggested_fix" field and the need for the "code" attribute is still debatable.

We're also wondering whether rather than storing full messages we'd be more efficient to store the problem_code and the parameters used to generate the message.

A solution to this was found during the firebreak in July 2017.

The approach we have taken to defining the checks on the links have quite a lot of responsibilities and are coupled with the content of the warnings/errors.

If we are to aim to make the checks more extensible we should consider refactoring how the checks work so that individual checks can be more self contained and isolated.

Do we have too many warnings? Or not enough?

We have a concept of warnings which is used to indicate problems we've found with links that might (or even probably) mean the link shouldn't be linked to but depending on the context might still want to/have to - eg a link that is slow, or a valid reason to link to "mature" content.

These warnings are somewhat problematic as if a user wants to proceed with the link they are just noise. Life is significantly simpler when links are binary: good or broken.

It would be good to determine do we generate too many of these, or we might possibly find some of the things we identify as broken are actually warnings.

Decide what to do with HEAD/GET requests

We encountered a problem late in the blitz process that a number of the links we were testing were not correctly following the HTTP protocol and were responding with 404 for HEAD requests and 200 to GET requests - these all seem to originate from Microsoft IIS/8.5 but we didn't know if it was the framework or implementation that was the problem.

This has the unfortunate consequence that to reliably test we have to perform GET requests. For the most part this is fine except in the instances where links could be to large files (such as pdf documents or applications) and we may inadvertently be flagging these as slow or as timeouts.

We should have a good think about this issue and weigh up the pros and cons and how we should proceed. Could be that we perform a HEAD then a GET even if 404, or find a way to do a GET without getting content, or just dealing with the content of a GET.

Further URI checks

There are various other checks that could be performed on URIs. Here's a list of some of the ones identified:

  • Check for UTF-8 Characters - where a IRI is linked to without encoding
  • Check for existence of a fragment on text/html page
  • Check page content against spam database / more simplistic word list
  • Support mailto scheme and the appropriate email validation
  • Support tel scheme
  • Popular app store schemes

A number of the originally suggested ideas involved the history of a link to alleviate the risks of squatting on pages that were linked to from government websites.

We considered this work to be outside of the scope of the blitz but did consider this check:

  • Storing the time a DNS record was changed and alerting if it has changed in last 2 weeks

After more thought though it is probably best to only consider doing historical checks based on our own storage to avoid the false positives of anything newly created.

The somewhat challenging aspect of this is that for this to be helpful you'd want it to be proactively checking documents from the past. As for the most part, if you are authoring new content you've probably found the links, and if you are editing old content it could be very difficult to determine what a recent change is.

Some ideas on what we could implement

We could store, in separate tables to the link checking, some historical information about hosts and normalised URIs. This could allow us to build up simple databases to know when a redirect destination changes, domain ownership, or some rudimentary word analysis.

We could then use the length of time we have known about the page to judge when it is of concern.

There is possibility that when creating batches we get sent some sort of document identifier so we can use that for some context, eg whether things have changed since last check. This adds complexity though and will reduce consistency of link checking results.

We could allow additional API methods to blacklist hosts if for some reason they are now no longer safe to be linked to.

We could develop a system that performs regular checks to detect dubious changes and develop a way for humans to confirm if they are problematic.

Authentication with GDS SSO

We spent most of the blitz with GDS SSO integrated and decided to pull it at the end as we would have to set up a bunch of tokens for usage and weren't using the authentication.

If this is ever publicly accessible then we should definitely have authentication.

While this application is only internally accessible we're not sure if authentication adds anything, though if we were to add it it would probably be just for the batch endpoint and restrict users to just viewing batches they have created.

This also ties into client-side integration.

Client side-integration

Usage of this API involves setting up a methods that call this API, an endpoint for the webhook and a means to report that back to the user. This feels like quite a lot of lifting particularly for some of the more lo-fi publishing applications.

What we felt would be nice is if we were able to embed this into an application via JavaScript which could extract links from a block of text call the API and return the details. This would be a far simpler integration but lack the ability to store problems between requests. An anticipated problem is authentication.

A Rails pattern to simplify controllers

As ever we've got caught in the Rails trap of controllers being a bit too complicated and having not identified a nice pattern to simplify them.

There is the option of the Command pattern used in publishing API, although this has the disadvantage that in conflicts with the Command design pattern. A better option might be to define these as services.

The Whitehall monthly link checker is an interesting implementation to complete. As it runs as an isolated rake task it doesn't make sense to utilise the webhook - thus the approach used is to poll for complete batches.

The challenge here is to find a simple way for it to not slip into the following scenarios:

  • Failing on a single HTTP problem, eg a single timeout
  • Getting stuck in an eternal loop
  • Crash the Link Checker API
  • Fire lots of unnecessary requests

It's probably worth working out if this can be done with a relatively simple implementation that can be copied or if it needs something more complex that should be moved somewhere that can be shared.

Local links manager implementation is very close to being complete, the remaining aspect is to assess the warnings that have been flagged against links and check that they seem helpful.

Problems we currently have are:

  • confusing duplicate messages, where different points of a redirect have the same issue;
  • for links with multiple warnings we show the title of just the first one.