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Last updated: 18 Mar 2025

link-checker-api: Suspicious domains

Link Checker API has a table of 'suspicious domains'. It is a small table, not a comprehensive list of every suspicious domain on the internet.

Any link that links to a domain in that table is considered dangerous (a link with a state of 'danger': a state introduced in March 2025 that is currently only set by this one scenario).

It is up to downstream applications to decide what to do with dangerous links. In Whitehall, for example, dangerous links are automatically removed from editions, which are then automatically republished. The 'suspicious domain' model was introduced as a way to reasonably reliably and quickly purge Whitehall of all links to dangerous domains (Whitehall re-checks all of its links on roughly a weekly basis, so most dangerous links would be removed within a week of creating a new 'suspicious domain').

As an aside, care must therefore be taken when adding a domain to the table. One can therefore imagine the mess that could be caused by, say, accidentally adding to the list of suspicious domains!

Adding a suspicious domain

Domains are added to the table by running this in a Rails console:

SuspiciousDomain.create(domain: "")

There is some validation to ensure that each domain is unique and that there are no additional parts to the domain (such as protocol, or path).