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Last updated: 6 Dec 2023

finder-frontend: Google Analytics 4 finder tracker

This script is used to add GA4 tracking to the GOVUK finders in finder-frontend such as These finders use client side JavaScript to update their results in response to a change in the search term or filters. Therefore, this tracker hooks in to the JavaScript change event that fires whenever a user updates their search. A GA4 schema is then built depending on what change was made to their search. This differs from the ga4-form-tracker. Firstly, this is because our finders are all contained in one large form. The ga4-form-tracker only allows for one GTM object per <form> when we need multiple for each element that can change the search results. Secondly, the ga4-form-tracker relies on a JavaScript submit event. Our finder pages use a change event to update their results.

Basic use

<form id="myForm">
  <div data-ga4-filter-container>
    <div data-ga4-filter-parent>
        <select data-ga4-change-category="update-filter select" data-ga4-section="Topic">
            <option value="1">Default option</option>
            <option value="2">Option 1</option>
            <option value="3">Option 2</option>
  <input type="search" data-ga4-change-category="update-keyword text" />
var myForm = document.querySelector('#myForm')


myForm.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
    var ga4ChangeCategory ='[data-ga4-change-category]').getAttribute('data-ga4-change-category')
    window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.Ga4FinderTracker.trackChangeEvent(, ga4ChangeCategory)

The tracker is not a regular module. Instead it is called manually where needed. This is to allow the tracker to be called at the appropriate time in our finder's code. In our case, we only call Ga4FinderTracker.trackChangeEvent() when our search successfully displays new results to the user. This stops erroring change events (i.e. the user inputting non-dates into the date filter) from being tracked as an "added filter" event. Therefore we only track updates to the finders if they result in a successful update to the search results.

The flow of the tracker is:

  1. On the finder results page, tag your elements with the appropriate data attributes.

    a. Tag the parent <div> or wrapper element for your filters with data-ga4-filter-container. This tells our code where to look for filter sections, so that we can set an index_section for each filter.

    b. Tag each filter's wrapper element with a data-ga4-filter-parent attribute, so that indexes can be set. Tag each individual filter with data-ga4-section="Topics" to populate the GA4 section value for that filter.

    c. Tag each element of the form that can trigger a change event with a data-ga4-change-category. This will contain some metadata about what the change is. The current categories are: update-filter, update-sort, clear-all-filters and update-keyword. As well as this, add the type of element that the filter is (further details on what types are tracked is documented below.) This assists with our tracker extracting the value of the filter. For example, a <select> element that updates a filter would have data-ga4-change-category="update-filter select". A search box would have data-ga4-change-category="update-keyword text".

  2. When the finder page loads, call Ga4FinderTracker.setFilterIndexes(). This will grab the data-ga4-filter-container element. It will then look for every instance of data-ga4-section inside this element, then loop through them and assign an index to the section based on its position in the NodeList.

  3. In the finder's JavaScript code, find where it updates your search results, and call Ga4FinderTracker.trackChangeEvent(). Pass through the of the element that triggered the change. Also grab and pass through the data-ga4-change-category that was set on the event target or its parent.

  4. The ga4-finder-tracker will then grab the "value" of the event target, using the metadata passed through to help categorise what type of element the change came from. The value in this case is the name of the filter that was set, the keyword that was input. For filters, it will also determine whether the change was the filter being "added" or "removed". For example if the event target is a checkbox, <input type="checkbox" data-ga4-change-category="update-filter checkbox">, and it is checked, then we know the filter was added. If it isn't checked, we know the filter was removed.

  5. Using the data-ga4-change-category, the value of the event target, and whether it is a removed filter or not, we then build the GTM object and push it to the dataLayer.

Element types tracked

Checkbox (<input type="checkbox" />)

Checkboxes have data-ga4-change-category="update-filter checkbox" on them. If a change event is fired on the element, and the checkbox is checked, the update-filter event will build an "Add filter" GTM Object. If the checkbox is not checked, it will build a "Remove filter" GTM Object. The value we grab for a checkbox is the user friendly label associated with the <input>.

Select (<select>)

The value we grab from a <select> is the user friendly text of the selected option.

Filter selects have data-ga4-change-category="update-filter select" on them.

If the filter <select> element changes and is set to their first option, we treat this as a "Filter removed" event. This is because the first <option> in a <select> is their default state in our use case. Therefore if the select has changed, and we're on the first option, we can safely assume we've moved from a "Added filter" option, back to the default option, so it's treated as a "Removed filter."

"Sort by" selects have data-ga4-change-category="update-sort select" on them. They send a separate "Sort event", so checking whether the filter was added or removed is irrelevant in this case.

Radio buttons (<input type="radio">)

Radio buttons have data-ga4-change-category="update-filter radio" on them. If the changed radio button is not the first radio button (i.e. the default selection), then, the update-filter event will build an "Filter added" GTM Object. If the changed radio button is the first radio button, it will build a "Filter removed" GTM Object. This is because the first radio button in a list is typically the default "All XYZ" filter state. The value we grab for a radio button is the user friendly label associated with the <input>.

Date filters (<input type="text">)

Our date filters have data-ga4-change-category="update-filter text" on them. The value we grab is the text that is input into its text field. If the text is an empty string, we treat this as a "Filter removed" event, as this means the date was removed. If text is available in the text box, we treat this as a "Filter added" event.

Search keyword changes (<input type="text">)

Search boxes have data-ga4-change-category="update-keyword text" on them. The value we grab on change is the text that was input into the text box. Regardless if text is available in the text box, we always treat it as a "search" event. This is because an empty search box is still as search event but it just searches for everything in our database.

The search value is sanitised with PII removal, + characters converted to spaces, spaces and new lines trimmed, and downcasing.

Clear all filters button

On mobile, there is a "Clear all filters" button. This triggers a change event on the whole <form> element when clicked. Therefore, we have added data-ga4-change-category="clear-all-filters" on the parent <form> in our finders. The value pushed to GTM is hard coded in Ga4FinderTracker as "Clear all filters", so an element type is not passed through to data-ga4-change-category as we don't need to do any value extraction.

Example GTM Objects

    "event": "event_data",
    "event_data": {
        "event_name": "select_content",
        "type": "finder",
        "text": "Environment",
        "index": {
            "index_section": 2,
            "index_section_count": 5
        "section": "Topic",
        "action": "select"
    "govuk_gem_version": "35.3.1",
    "event": "event_data",
    "event_data": {
        "event_name": "search",
        "type": "finder",
        "url": "/search/research-and-statistics",
        "text": "hello world",
        "section": "Search",
        "action": "search"
    "govuk_gem_version": "35.3.1",