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Last updated: 9 Jun 2020

search-api: Decision record: Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6

Date: 2019-10-03

  1. High-level migration plan
  2. New cluster architecture
  3. Elasticsearch 6 compatibility
  4. Connecting to multiple Elasticsearch clusters
  5. Synchronising the state
  6. Data sync for production -> staging -> integration
  7. A/B testing Elasticsearch 6
  8. Decomissioning Elasticsearch 5

This work was done over 2019/20 Q1 and Q2. Most of the changes were made in this repository. There were also significant changes in govuk-aws, govuk-aws-data, and govuk-puppet.

High-level migration plan

Based on our experiences migrating to Elasticsearch 5 we decided that this time we wanted to isolate the complexity of having two Elasticsearch clusters to search-api:

  1. Make search-api work with both Elasticsearch 5 and Elasticsearch 6.
  2. Give search-api support for multiple Elasticsearch clusters:
    • Index changes into all clusters.
    • Add a URL parameter to select the cluster to use for a query.
  3. Perform a one-time import of data from Elasticsearch 5 to Elasticsearch 6, and synchronise any updates missed while this import was running.
  4. Confirm that the Elasticsearch 5 and Elasticsearch 6 clusters are consistent.
  5. Set up an A/B test for finder-frontend (etc) to select which Elasticsearch cluster to use.
  6. Gradually phase from 100% Elasticsearch 5 to 100% Elasticsearch 6.
  7. Retire Elasticsearch 5.

The approach we took last time of having both rummager and search-api running in parallel, necessitated by one being in Carrenza and one in AWS, led to a lot of changes to govuk-puppet, and didn't really give us anything reusable. By adding multi-cluster support to search-api directly, we do get something reusable.

New cluster architecture

Based on our experience of running Elasticsearch 5 for a quarter, we at first opted for:

  • Three dedicated master nodes, of type c4.large.elasticsearch.
  • Six data nodes, of type r4.large.elasticsearch.

We found the data nodes were not powerful enough, and switched to r4.xlarge.elasticsearch. After talking to an AWS Solutions Architect, we changed again to r5.xlarge.elasticsearch. Due to wider GOV.UK scaling concerns caused by political activity, we increased the data nodes to r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch.

We also shrunk the cluster in staging (to below production size), as it does not need to cope with the indexing load. The final cluster sizes are:

Environment Master Data
Production 3x c4.large.elasticsearch 6x r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
Staging 3x c4.large.elasticsearch 3x r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
Integration 3x t2.medium.elasticsearch 3x r5.large.elasticsearch

The cluster is configured in the app-elasticsearch6 Terraform project.

Elasticsearch 6 compatibility

We used deprecation messages from Elasticsearch 5 and error messages from Elasticsearch 6 to figure out what needed to change. There were some changes needed to the indices and some to the queries.

Index changes were:

  • Switching from string fields to text and keyword fields (PR #1553).
  • Removing the use of the _all field and include_in_all (PR #1557).

Query changes were:

  • Using like instead of docs in the more_like_this query (PR #1561).
  • Replacing match: { type: phrase } with match_phrase queries (PR #1564).
  • Replacing indices query with a should query (PR #1568).

The indices/should change introduced an inefficiency where query generation now needs to ask Elasticsearch for the real name of an alias. We added a new build_query metric to keep track of this. Elasticsearch issue #23306, opened in February 2017, is about a solution to this problem.

We also changed the text similarity metric from classic similarity to the new BM25 similarity.

Connecting to multiple Elasticsearch clusters

The elasticsearch.yml file contains a list of clusters. These clusters can specify their own schema configuration file, which means we can try out different index-level settings in a new cluster (for example, changing the text similarity metric only for Elasticsearch 6).

In the code, the multi-cluster support is implemented in the SearchConfig and Index::Client classes. Cluster selection is implemented in the SearchParameterParser class.

This involved some significant refactoring (PR #1569 and PR #1604).

The main architectural decisions made here were:

  • To index writes to all clusters, ensuring cluster consistency.
  • To perform queries against the default cluster unless a URL parameter is given, so we can A/B test clusters.
  • To have one SearchConfig singleton per cluster.

This change did result in details of clusters leaking throughout search-api, which is unfortunate, but that can be addressed in future refactoring work (for example, passing around SearchConfig instances rather than asking for cluster singletons).

Synchronising the state

We planned to either take a snapshot from Elasticsearch 5 and restore it to Elasticsearch 6, or to use the same approach as the last upgrade (a script to copy the data across), but these turned out to be unnecessary.

We had search-api running with both clusters for a couple of weeks before we started to think about synchronising the data, and by that time everything had been republished (either directly or as a result of dependency resolution) and so the govuk, government, and detailed indices were consistent with Elasticsearch 5.

The page-traffic index was also handled in the multi-cluster work, with traffic data being saved to all clusters.

The only index which needed some manual work was metasearch, which holds best bets. Attempting to republish these from search-admin kept failing due to transient network issues, and getting all of the best bets seemed impossible. So for the metasearch index we used this script:

from elasticsearch5 import Elasticsearch as Elasticsearch5, TransportError as TransportError5
from elasticsearch6 import Elasticsearch as Elasticsearch6, TransportError as TransportError6
from elasticsearch6.helpers import bulk
from datetime import datetime
import os

INDEX = 'metasearch'
GENERIC_DOC_TYPE = 'generic-document'

ES5_HOST_PORT = os.getenv('ES5_ORIGIN_HOST', 'http://elasticsearch5:80')
ES6_TARGET_PORT = os.getenv('ES6_TARGET_HOST', 'http://elasticsearch6:80')

es_client5 = Elasticsearch5([ES5_HOST_PORT])
es_client6 = Elasticsearch6([ES6_TARGET_PORT])

def _prepare_docs_for_bulk_insert(docs):
    for doc in docs:
        yield {
            "_id": doc['_id'],
            "_source": doc['_source'],

def bulk_index_documents_to_es6(documents):
    except TransportError6 as e:
        print("Failed to index documents: %s", str(e))

def fetch_documents(from_=0, page_size=100, scroll_id=None):
        if scroll_id is None:
            results =, GENERIC_DOC_TYPE, from_=from_, size=page_size, scroll='2m')
            scroll_id = results['_scroll_id']
            results = es_client5.scroll(scroll_id=scroll_id, scroll='2m')
        docs = results['hits']['hits']
        return (scroll_id, docs)
    except TransportError5 as e:
        print("Failed to fetch documents: %s", str(e))
        return str(e), e.status_code

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start =

    dcount = es_client5.count(index=INDEX, doc_type=GENERIC_DOC_TYPE)['count']

    print('Preparing to index {} document(s) from ES5'.format(dcount))

    offset = 0
    page_size = 250
    scroll_id = None
    while offset <= dcount:
        scroll_id, docs = fetch_documents(from_=offset, page_size=page_size, scroll_id=scroll_id)

        print('Indexing documents {} to {} into ES6'.format(offset, offset+page_size))

        offset += page_size

    print('Finished in {} seconds'.format( - start))

Data sync for production -> staging -> integration

This was done in the same way as for Elasticsearch 5.

The data sync script needed to be modified to allow for a different host to be used (http://elasticsearch6 vs http://elasticsearch5) but otherwise this was just a matter of writing some more configuration.

A/B testing Elasticsearch 6

The A/B test was set up like so:

  1. Configuration in govuk-cdn-config.
  2. Logic in finder-frontend to pass one of two URL parameters to search-api, based on the CDN-level A/B test.
  3. Logic in search-api to choose a cluster based on the parameter from finder-frontend.

The general A/B test process is covered in the dev docs.

For the A/B test we monitored click-through rate, proportion of search refinements, and proportion of search exits. The test revealed a significant degradation in our metrics compared with Elasticsearch 5, and we were unable to proceed with the switch without doing work to improve the search results.

The two main changes in Elasticsearch 6 which impacted search result quality were:

  • Switching from classic similarity to BM25 similarity. This issue arose with Elasticsearch 5, but we decided to go ahead with the new similarity when moving to Elasticsearch 6.

  • The removal of query coordination factors, affecting the scoring of multi-clause should and must queries. This meant that even if we switched back to classic similarity, we wouldn't get the same results we had with Elasticsearch 5.

With query coordination factors, multi-clause should and must queries are scored as:

sum(clause scores) * num(matching clauses) / num(clauses)

So if a query has 7 clauses and 2 of them match, the overall score is multipled by 2/7. The effect of this is to make documents which match multiple clauses tend to rank higher than documents which match fewer clauses, even if those fewer clauses are matched really well. The assumption is that the number of matching clauses is an important predictor of relevance.

Without query coordination factors, the query is scored as:

sum(clause scores)

Figuring out how to improve the search query was not a straightforward, or particularly systematic, process.

Our Elasticsearch 5 query is:

  bool: {
    should: [
      match_phrase("title", query),
      match_phrase("acronym", query),
      match_phrase("description", query),
      match_phrase("indexable_content", query),
      match_all_terms(%w(title acronym description indexable_content), query),
      match_any_terms(%w(title acronym description indexable_content), query),
      minimum_should_match("all_searchable_text", query)

And the Elasticsearch 6 query we settled on is:

  match_all_terms(%w(title), query, MATCH_ALL_TITLE_BOOST),
  match_all_terms(%w(acronym), query, MATCH_ALL_ACRONYM_BOOST),
  match_all_terms(%w(description), query, MATCH_ALL_DESCRIPTION_BOOST),
  match_all_terms(%w(indexable_content), query, MATCH_ALL_INDEXABLE_CONTENT_BOOST),
  match_all_terms(%w(title acronym description indexable_content), query, MATCH_ALL_MULTI_BOOST),
  match_any_terms(%w(title acronym description indexable_content), query, MATCH_ANY_MULTI_BOOST),
  minimum_should_match("all_searchable_text", query, MATCH_MINIMUM_BOOST)

Here should_coord_query is a reimplementation of the query coordination factor-based scoring, using a function_score query. We also changed the match_phrase clauses in the Elasticsearch 5 query to match_all_terms clauses, and adjusted the field boosting factors.

We then ran the A/B test again, and found that the Elasticsearch 6 with the new query had a clickthrough rate within 3 percentage points of Elasticsearch 5 with the old query, and decided that this was good enough to go ahead with the switch.

Decomissioning Elasticsearch 5

The steps we followed to switch to Elasticsearch 6 permanently and to decomission Elasticsearch 5 were:

  1. Switch search-api to the B variant of the A/B test and disable the A cluster so no more indexing is done (PR #1713).
  2. Disable the A/B test in govuk-cdn-config (PR #203) and finder-frontend (PR #1611).
  3. Remove Elasticsearch 5 configuration from govuk-puppet (PR #9643).
  4. Remove Elasticsearch 5 from govuk-aws (PR #1123).

We didn't want to be permanently using the "B" configuration, which required some care to change:

  1. Set the ELASTICSEARCH_URI environment variable to the same value as the ELASTICSEARCH_B_URI environment variable in govuk-puppet (PR #9648).
  2. Swap out the "B" cluster configuration for the "A" cluster configuration (PR #1718).
  3. Unset the ELASTICSEARCH_B_URI environment variable in govuk-puppet (PR #9649).

This approach avoided the need to coordinate simultaneous deploys of search-api and govuk-puppet.