siteimprove_api_client: SiteimproveAPIClient::AnalyticsApi
All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
analytics_url_shortener_shortened_urls_get | GET /analytics/url_shortener/shortened_urls | Get all account-specific shortened URLs |
settings_analytics_segments_get | GET /settings/analytics/segments | Get available segments |
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sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_region_id_cities_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/countries/{country_id}/regions/{region_id}/cities | Get cities of regions of countries from visitors |
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sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_history_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/devices/history | Get historical data for devices from visitors |
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/operating_systems | Get operating systems from visitors |
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_history_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/operating_systems/history | Get historical data for operating systems from visitors |
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/operating_systems/os_families/{os_family}/versions | Get versions of operating systems from visitors |
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_history_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/operating_systems/os_families/{os_family}/versions/history | Get historical data for a specific OS's versions from visitors |
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/organisations | Get organisations from visitors |
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_ip_addresses_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/organisations/{organisation_id}/ip_addresses | Get a list IP addresses for a specific organisation from visitors |
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_pages_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/organisations/{organisation_id}/pages | Get the pages visited by a specific organisation from visitors |
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_screen_resolutions_get | GET /sites/{site_id}/analytics/visitors/screen_resolutions | Get screen resolutions from visitors |
analytics_url_shortener_shortened_urls_get(site_id, opts)
Get all account-specific shortened URLs
Get all account-specific shortened URLs
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56 # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
# Get all account-specific shortened URLs
result = api_instance.analytics_url_shortener_shortened_urls_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->analytics_url_shortener_shortened_urls_get: #{e}"
Using the analytics_url_shortener_shortened_urls_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> analytics_url_shortener_shortened_urls_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get all account-specific shortened URLs
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.analytics_url_shortener_shortened_urls_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ShortenedUrlList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->analytics_url_shortener_shortened_urls_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Get available segments
Get the available segments. Segments can be used to segment the data shown by appending the query parameter "filter_id".
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
opts = {
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get available segments
result = api_instance.settings_analytics_segments_get(opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->settings_analytics_segments_get: #{e}"
Using the settings_analytics_segments_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> settings_analytics_segments_get_with_http_info(opts)
# Get available segments
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.settings_analytics_segments_get_with_http_info(opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <AnalyticsFilterDetailsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->settings_analytics_segments_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_get(site_id, opts)
Get visit depth from behavior
Get the visit depth. Depth relates to the number of page views for each visit. Visits with a high number of page views suggests that the site is encouraging visitors to stay.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get visit depth from behavior
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get visit depth from behavior
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitDepthList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data of visit depth from behavior
A series of historical data points showing the average amount of page views. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data of visit depth from behavior
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data of visit depth from behavior
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitDepthGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_depth_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_get(site_id, opts)
Get visit length from behavior
Get the length of a visit. Length relates to the duration (in minutes) of each visit.. This data can be used to determine how much your website retains visitor - if the visit length is typically low, you could investigate ways to keep your visitors on your site for longer.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get visit length from behavior
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get visit length from behavior
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitLengthList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data of visit length from behavior
A series of historical data points showing the average visit length. Length relates to the duration (in minutes) of each visit. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data of visit length from behavior
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data of visit length from behavior
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitLengthGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visit_length_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_hour_get(site_id, opts)
Get visits by hour of the day from behavior
Get the distribution of visits and page views over hours of the day.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get visits by hour of the day from behavior
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_hour_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_hour_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_hour_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_hour_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get visits by hour of the day from behavior
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_hour_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitHourList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_hour_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_monthday_get(site_id, opts)
Get visits by day of the month from behavior
Get the distribution of visits and page views over day of the month.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get visits by day of the month from behavior
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_monthday_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_monthday_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_monthday_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_monthday_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get visits by day of the month from behavior
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_monthday_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitMonthDayList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_monthday_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_weekday_get(site_id, opts)
Get visits by weekday from behavior
Get the distribution of visits and page views over weekday.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get visits by weekday from behavior
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_weekday_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_weekday_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_weekday_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_weekday_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get visits by weekday from behavior
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_weekday_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitWeekDayList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_behavior_visits_by_weekday_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_history_get(site_id, name_id, source_id, medium_id, opts)
Get historical data for the specific campaign combination
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for the specific campaign combination. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific campaign name
source_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific campaign source
medium_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific campaign medium
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for the specific campaign combination
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_history_get(site_id, name_id, source_id, medium_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, name_id, source_id, medium_id, opts)
# Get historical data for the specific campaign combination
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, name_id, source_id, medium_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignSummaryVisitsPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
name_id | Integer | Id for specific campaign name | |
source_id | Integer | Id for specific campaign source | |
medium_id | Integer | Id for specific campaign medium | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_pages_get(site_id, name_id, source_id, medium_id, opts)
Get the pages visited by the specific campaign combination
Lists all the pages visited by the specific combination of campaign name, source and medium.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific campaign name
source_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific campaign source
medium_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific campaign medium
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get the pages visited by the specific campaign combination
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_pages_get(site_id, name_id, source_id, medium_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, name_id, source_id, medium_id, opts)
# Get the pages visited by the specific campaign combination
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, name_id, source_id, medium_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignSummaryPagesList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_combinations_name_id_source_id_medium_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
name_id | Integer | Id for specific campaign name | |
source_id | Integer | Id for specific campaign source | |
medium_id | Integer | Id for specific campaign medium | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_get(site_id, opts)
Get contents from campaigns
Content variations in the campaigns used to reach the website. The value in the parameter utm_content
(or another "Content" campaign parameter that has been added).
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get contents from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get contents from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignContentList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get content details from campaigns
Shows the name
, source
and medium
used in connection with the specified content
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get content details from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get content details from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignContentDetailsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_history_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific content from campaigns
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for a specific content
value. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific content from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_history_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific content from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_pages_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get pages related to specific content from campaigns
Shows the pages where the specified content
has been used.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get pages related to specific content from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_pages_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get pages related to specific content from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignPagesList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_contents_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_get(site_id, opts)
Get mediums from campaigns
Medium of the campaigns used to reach the website. The value in the parameter utm_medium
(or another "Medium" campaign parameter that has been added).
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get mediums from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get mediums from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignMediumList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get medium details from campaigns
Shows the name
and source
used in connection with the specified medium
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get medium details from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get medium details from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignMediumDetailsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_mediums_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_get(site_id, opts)
Get names from campaigns
Content variations in the campaigns used to reach the website. The value in the parameter utm_name (or another "Name" campaign parameter that has been added).
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get names from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get names from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignNameList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get name details from campaigns
Shows the medium
and source
used in connection with the specified name
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get name details from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get name details from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignNameDetailsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_names_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get pages from campaigns
Get pages which have been reached as part of a campaign.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get pages from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PageWithCampaignsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_details_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
Get details for specific page from campaigns
Shows the name
, source
and medium
used in connection with the specified page.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get details for specific page from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_details_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_details_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_details_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
# Get details for specific page from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PageWithCampaignsVisitsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_details_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical data for a specific page in campaigns
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for a specific page
. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for a specific page in campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for a specific page in campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PageWithCampaignsVisitsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_get(site_id, opts)
Get sources from campaigns
Source of the campaigns used to reach the website. The value in the parameter utm_source
(or another "Source" campaign parameter that has been added).
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get sources from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get sources from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignSourceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get source details from campaigns
Shows the name
and medium
used in connection with the specified source
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get source details from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get source details from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignSourceDetailsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_sources_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_get(site_id, opts)
Get summary of campaigns
Lists the campaigns used to reach the website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get summary of campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get summary of campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignSummaryList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data of all campaigns
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for all campaigns. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get historical data of all campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data of all campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignsSummaryGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_summary_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_get(site_id, opts)
Get terms from campaigns
The terms of the campaigns used to reach the website. The value in the parameter utm_term
(or another "Term" campaign parameter that has been added).
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get terms from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get terms from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignTermsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get term details from campaigns
Shows the name
, source
and medium
used in connection with the specified term
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get term details from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get term details from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CampaignTermsDetailsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_campaigns_terms_parameter_name_id_parameter_value_id_details_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_all_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get all pages from content
Get all pages identified on your site. Note that if your site only has group access then group_id is required, not optional.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get all pages from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_all_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_all_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_all_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_all_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get all pages from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_all_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ContentPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_all_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_entry_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get entry pages from content
An entry page is the first page a visitor sees when they enter the website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get entry pages from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_entry_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_entry_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_entry_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_entry_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get entry pages from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_entry_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EntryPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_entry_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_exit_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get exit pages from content
An exit page is the last page a visitor sees before they leave the website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get exit pages from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_exit_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_exit_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_exit_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_exit_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get exit pages from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_exit_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ExitPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_exit_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_least_popular_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get least popular pages from content
Get the least popular pages among the top 1000 pages with the most page views.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get least popular pages from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_least_popular_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_least_popular_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_least_popular_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_least_popular_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get least popular pages from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_least_popular_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <UnpopularPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_least_popular_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_most_popular_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get most popular pages from content
Get the most popular pages among the top 1000 pages with the most page views.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get most popular pages from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_most_popular_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_most_popular_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_most_popular_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_most_popular_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get most popular pages from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_most_popular_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PopularPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_most_popular_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_navigation_depth_get(site_id, opts)
Get navigation depth from content
Get the average number of clicks (pages visited) to get to a certain page.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get navigation depth from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_navigation_depth_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_navigation_depth_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_navigation_depth_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_navigation_depth_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get navigation depth from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_navigation_depth_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <NavigationDepthList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_navigation_depth_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_get(site_id, opts)
Get outbound links from content
Get links to external domains, that have been used to leave your site.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get outbound links from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get outbound links from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OutboundLinksList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_history_get(site_id, outbound_link_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific outbound link from content
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for a specific outbound link. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
outbound_link_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific outbound link/URL.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific outbound link from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_history_get(site_id, outbound_link_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, outbound_link_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific outbound link from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, outbound_link_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OutboundLinksGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
outbound_link_id | Integer | Id for specific outbound link/URL. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_pages_get(site_id, outbound_link_id, opts)
Get pages for specific outbound link from content
Get the pages where the specified outbound link has been used
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
outbound_link_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific outbound link/URL.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get pages for specific outbound link from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_pages_get(site_id, outbound_link_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, outbound_link_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific outbound link from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, outbound_link_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OutboundLinksPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_outbound_links_outbound_link_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
outbound_link_id | Integer | Id for specific outbound link/URL. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_page_load_time_get(site_id, opts)
Get page load time from content
Get the average amount of time (in seconds) it takes a page to load.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get page load time from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_page_load_time_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_page_load_time_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_page_load_time_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_page_load_time_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get page load time from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_page_load_time_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PageLoadTimeDetailsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_page_load_time_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_pages_without_visits_get(site_id, opts)
Get pages without visits from content
Get the pages that have had no visits in the selected time period. Only pages that meet ALL of the criteria listed below will be included: * The page must have the Siteimprove Analytics script. * The page must have Analytics/Quality Assurance integration - i.e. the page must be found in both QA and Analytics and have a match established between them. * The page must have been found in the latest Quality Assurance crawl. * The page must have had no visits in the selected time period with any chosen filter and group. * If the page registered in Quality Assurance has multiple Analytics link matches (in case of a parameter exclusion, for example), the page will only be included if none of these links have had any visits. These criteria make sure that pages included in the list with relative certainty have NOT had any visits during the selected time period.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages without visits from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_pages_without_visits_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_pages_without_visits_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_pages_without_visits_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_pages_without_visits_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get pages without visits from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_pages_without_visits_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PagesWithNoVisitsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_pages_without_visits_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_get(site_id, opts)
Get parameters from content
Visits and page view statistics for all parameters that have been setup.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Filter the parameter names (applied as \\*[query]\\*).
# Get parameters from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get parameters from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ParameterNameList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Filter the parameter names (applied as \[query]\). | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_history_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific parameter from content
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for a specific parameter. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific parameter from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_history_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific parameter from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ParameterNameValueVisitsGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_pages_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
Get pages for specific parameter from content
Get the pages where the specified parameter have been collected.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages for specific parameter from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_pages_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific parameter from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ParameterPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
Get values for specific parameter from content
Get the collected values for the specified parameter.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Filter the values (applied as \\*[query]\\*).
# Get values for specific parameter from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
# Get values for specific parameter from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ParameterValueList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Filter the values (applied as \[query]\). | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_history_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific parameter value from campaigns
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for a specific parameter value. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific parameter value from campaigns
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_history_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific parameter value from campaigns
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ParameterNameValueVisitsGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_pages_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
Get pages for specific parameter value from content
Get the pages where the specified parameter value have been collected.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
parameter_name_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter name.
parameter_value_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific parameter value.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages for specific parameter value from content
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_pages_get(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific parameter value from content
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, parameter_name_id, parameter_value_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ParameterPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_content_parameters_parameter_name_id_values_parameter_value_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
parameter_name_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter name. | |
parameter_value_id | Integer | Id for specific parameter value. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_bounce_rates_get(site_id, opts)
Get bounce rates from entries and exits
List of pages with bounces and bounce rate.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get bounce rates from entries and exits
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_bounce_rates_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_bounce_rates_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_bounce_rates_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_bounce_rates_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get bounce rates from entries and exits
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_bounce_rates_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <BounceRatePageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_bounce_rates_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_get(site_id, opts)
Get entry and exit rates from entries and exits
List the amount of entries and exits registered for your pages.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get entry and exit rates from entries and exits
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get entry and exit rates from entries and exits
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EntryExitRatePageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_page_id_last_outbound_links_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
Get last outbound links for specific exit page from entries and exits
The last outbound links and their amount of clicks for a specific exit page.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get last outbound links for specific exit page from entries and exits
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_page_id_last_outbound_links_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_page_id_last_outbound_links_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_page_id_last_outbound_links_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_page_id_last_outbound_links_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
# Get last outbound links for specific exit page from entries and exits
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_page_id_last_outbound_links_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <LastOutboundLinkPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_entries_exits_entry_exit_rates_page_id_last_outbound_links_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_actions_get(site_id, opts)
Get actions from event tracking
Get all the event actions performed on your website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get actions from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_actions_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_actions_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_actions_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_actions_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get actions from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_actions_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EventActionList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_actions_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_action_id_labels_get(site_id, category_id, action_id, opts)
Get labels for specific pair of category and action from event tracking
Get the labels
that have been used in connection with the specified category
and action
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
category_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific category.
action_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific action.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get labels for specific pair of category and action from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_action_id_labels_get(site_id, category_id, action_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_action_id_labels_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_action_id_labels_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_action_id_labels_get_with_http_info(site_id, category_id, action_id, opts)
# Get labels for specific pair of category and action from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_action_id_labels_get_with_http_info(site_id, category_id, action_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CategoryActionLabelList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_action_id_labels_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
category_id | Integer | Id of a specific category. | |
action_id | Integer | Id of a specific action. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_get(site_id, category_id, opts)
Get actions for specific category from event tracking
Get the actions
that have been used in connection with a specific category
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
category_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific category.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get actions for specific category from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_get(site_id, category_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_get_with_http_info(site_id, category_id, opts)
# Get actions for specific category from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_get_with_http_info(site_id, category_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CategoryActionList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_category_id_actions_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
category_id | Integer | Id of a specific category. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_get(site_id, opts)
Get categories from event tracking
Get all the event categories. Categories are used to group events in logical clusters, such as videos, contact, forms etc.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get categories from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get categories from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EventCategoryList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_categories_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_get(site_id, opts)
Get events from event tracking
Get the events that have been triggered within the chosen period.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get events from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get events from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EventList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data for events from event tracking
A series of historical data points showing the amount of events, visits and pages. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get historical data for events from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data for events from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EventGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get pages for specific event from event tracking
Get the pages where the specified event have been triggered.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
action_id: 789, # Integer | Id of a specific action.
category_id: 789, # Integer | Id of a specific category.
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
label_id: 789, # Integer | Id of a specific label.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get pages for specific event from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific event from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <FilteredEventPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_events_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
action_id | Integer | Id of a specific action. | [optional] |
category_id | Integer | Id of a specific category. | [optional] |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
label_id | Integer | Id of a specific label. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_get(site_id, opts)
Get labels from event tracking
Get all the event labels. Labels are used to see specifics about an event.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get labels from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get labels from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EventLabelList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_label_id_events_get(site_id, label_id, opts)
Get label details from event tracking
Get the action
and category
pairs that have been used in connection with the specified label
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
label_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific label.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get label details from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_label_id_events_get(site_id, label_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_label_id_events_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_label_id_events_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_label_id_events_get_with_http_info(site_id, label_id, opts)
# Get label details from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_label_id_events_get_with_http_info(site_id, label_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <LabelActionList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_labels_label_id_events_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
label_id | Integer | Id of a specific label. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get pages from event tracking
Get all the pages where an event have been triggered.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get pages from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EventPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_events_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
Get event details for specific page from event tracking
Get the event details for a specific page.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get event details for specific page from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_events_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_events_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_events_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_events_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
# Get event details for specific page from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_events_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PageEventList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_events_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific page from event tracking
A series of historical data points showing the amount of events for the specified page. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific page from event tracking
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific page from event tracking
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EventGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_event_tracking_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_get(site_id, opts)
Get internal searches
The the search terms that your users have entered into your search solution.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_results: 'all' # String | Filter to see either all search terms or only those that did or did not find a result.
# Get internal searches
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get internal searches
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <InternalSearchList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_results | String | Filter to see either all search terms or only those that did or did not find a result. | [optional][default to 'all'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data from internal searches
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits, searches and exists. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_results: 'all' # String | Filter to see either all search terms or only those that did or did not find a result.
# Get historical data from internal searches
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data from internal searches
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <InternalSearchGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_results | String | Filter to see either all search terms or only those that did or did not find a result. | [optional][default to 'all'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_search_terms_search_term_id_actions_get(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
Get actions for specific search term from internal searches
Get the actions performed by the user after searching for the specified search term.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_term_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific search term.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get actions for specific search term from internal searches
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_search_terms_search_term_id_actions_get(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_search_terms_search_term_id_actions_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_search_terms_search_term_id_actions_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_search_terms_search_term_id_actions_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
# Get actions for specific search term from internal searches
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_search_terms_search_term_id_actions_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <InternalSearchPageActionList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_internal_searches_search_terms_search_term_id_actions_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_term_id | Integer | Id of a specific search term. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_categories_get(site_id, opts)
Get categories
The available categories for use with Key Metrics.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get categories
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_categories_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_categories_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_categories_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_categories_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get categories
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_categories_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <KeyMetricsCategoryList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_categories_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_kpis_get(site_id, opts)
Get Key Performance Indicators
The Key Performance Indicators for use with Key Metrics.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get Key Performance Indicators
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_kpis_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_kpis_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_kpis_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_kpis_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get Key Performance Indicators
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_kpis_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <KeyMetricsKpiOverviewList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_kpis_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_metrics_get(site_id, opts)
Get Key Metrics
The Key Metrics.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get Key Metrics
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_metrics_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_metrics_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_metrics_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_metrics_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get Key Metrics
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_metrics_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <KeyMetricsMetricList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_keymetrics_metrics_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_overview_groups_get(site_id, opts)
Get analytics groups
Get the groups available. Groups are used to display statistics for specific sections of the website or a collection of pages.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get analytics groups
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_groups_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_groups_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_overview_groups_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_overview_groups_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get analytics groups
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_groups_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <GroupDetailsList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_groups_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_overview_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data from overview
A series of historical data points showing the most common statistics for your site. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data from overview
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_overview_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_overview_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data from overview
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <FullOverviewItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_get(site_id, opts)
Get online visitors from overview
Get the current online visitors. Will always use the Now
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get online visitors from overview
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get online visitors from overview
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OnlineVisitorList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_details_get(site_id, session_id, opts)
Get details for online visitor from overview
Get a detailed view of the specified online visitor.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
session_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific session.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get details for online visitor from overview
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_details_get(site_id, session_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_details_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_details_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, session_id, opts)
# Get details for online visitor from overview
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_details_get_with_http_info(site_id, session_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OnlineVisitorDetails>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_details_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
session_id | Integer | Id for specific session. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_pages_get(site_id, session_id, opts)
Get pages for specific online visitor from overview
Get the pages visited by the specified online visitor.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
session_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific session.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get pages for specific online visitor from overview
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_pages_get(site_id, session_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, session_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific online visitor from overview
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, session_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OnlineVisitorPageViewList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_online_visitors_session_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
session_id | Integer | Id for specific session. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_overview_summary_get(site_id, opts)
Get summary for analytics
Get a summary of the most common statistics for your site.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get summary for analytics
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_summary_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_summary_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_overview_summary_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_overview_summary_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get summary for analytics
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_overview_summary_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OverviewStat>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_overview_summary_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get direct traffic from traffic sources
Entry pages for the visits that have started through a direct entry to your website (for example from a bookmark) and not through an external referrer or search engine.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get direct traffic from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get direct traffic from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <DirectTrafficList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical data for direct traffic from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the direct traffic from traffic sources. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for direct traffic from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for direct traffic from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_direct_traffic_entry_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_history_get(site_id, domain_id, opts)
Get historical data for external referring domains from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits from external domains that have referred visitors to your website. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for external referring domains from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_history_get(site_id, domain_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, domain_id, opts)
# Get historical data for external referring domains from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, domain_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_referring_pages_get(site_id, domain_id, opts)
Get referring pages from an external referring domain from traffic sources
The referring pages on the chosen external domain, that have referred visitors to your website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get referring pages from an external referring domain from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_referring_pages_get(site_id, domain_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_referring_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_referring_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_referring_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, domain_id, opts)
# Get referring pages from an external referring domain from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_referring_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, domain_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ExternalReferringDomainPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_domain_id_referring_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_get(site_id, opts)
Get external referring domains from traffic sources
External domains that have referred visitors to your website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get external referring domains from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get external referring domains from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ExternalReferringDomainList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_domains_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_history_get(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
Get historical data for external referring pages from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits from external pages that have referred visitors to your website. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
external_page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific external referring page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for external referring pages from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_history_get(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for external referring pages from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
external_page_id | Integer | Id for specific external referring page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_get(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
Get landing pages from external referring pages from traffic sources
The landing pages by external pages that have referred visitors to your website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
external_page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific external referring page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get landing pages from external referring pages from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_get(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
# Get landing pages from external referring pages from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ExternalReferringPageLandingPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
external_page_id | Integer | Id for specific external referring page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_history_get(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
Get historical data for landing pages from external referring pages from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits on landing pages by external pages that have referred visitors to your website. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
external_page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific external referring page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for landing pages from external referring pages from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_history_get(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for landing pages from external referring pages from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, external_page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_external_page_id_landing_pages_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
external_page_id | Integer | Id for specific external referring page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_get(site_id, opts)
Get external referring pages from traffic sources
Pages on external domains that have referred visitors to your website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get external referring pages from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get external referring pages from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ExternalReferringPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_referring_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_get(site_id, opts)
Get external search terms from traffic sources
Search terms that have been used on external search engines to reach the website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get external search terms from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get external search terms from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ExternalSearchTermList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_history_get(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
Get historical data for external search terms from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits from search terms that have been used on external search engines to reach the website. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_term_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific search term.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for external search terms from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_history_get(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
# Get historical data for external search terms from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_term_id | Integer | Id of a specific search term. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_get(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
Get external search terms pages from traffic sources
The pages on your website reached by the particular search term.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_term_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific search term.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get external search terms pages from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_get(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
# Get external search terms pages from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_term_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ExternalSearchTermPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_term_id | Integer | Id of a specific search term. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, search_term_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical data for external search terms pages from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits on pages on your website reached by the particular search term. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_term_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific search term.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for external search terms pages from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, search_term_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_term_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for external search terms pages from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_term_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_external_search_terms_search_term_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_term_id | Integer | Id of a specific search term. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_get(site_id, opts)
Get search engines from traffic sources
Search engines that have referred visitors to your website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get search engines from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get search engines from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SearchEngineOrganizationList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, domain_link_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific search engine domain link from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified search engine domain link. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
domain_link_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain link/URL.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific search engine domain link from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, domain_link_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, domain_link_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific search engine domain link from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, domain_link_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
domain_link_id | Integer | Id for specific domain link/URL. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
Get links for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
Get the referring links for the specified search engine domain.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get links for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
# Get links for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SearchEngineDomainLinkList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified search engine domain. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
Get pages for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
Get the pages that was reached from the specified search engine domain.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific search engine domain from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SearchEngineDomainPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific search engine domain page from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified search engine domain page. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific search engine domain page from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific search engine domain page from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, domain_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_get(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
Get domains for search engines from traffic sources
Get the referring domains for the specified search engine.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get domains for search engines from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_get(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
# Get domains for search engines from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SearchEngineDomainList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_domains_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific search engine from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified search engine. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific search engine from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific search engine from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_get(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
Get pages for specific search engine from traffic sources
Get the pages that was reached from the specified search engine.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages for specific search engine from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_get(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific search engine from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SearchEnginePageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific search engine page from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified search engine page. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
search_engine_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific search engine.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific search engine page from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, search_engine_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific search engine page from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, search_engine_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_search_engines_search_engine_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
search_engine_id | Integer | Id for specific search engine. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_get(site_id, opts)
Get social media organisations from traffic sources
Get the social media organisations that have referred visitors to your website.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get social media organisations from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get social media organisations from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SocialMediaOrganizationList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, domain_link_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain link from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified social media organisation domain link. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
domain_link_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain link/URL.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain link from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, domain_link_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, domain_link_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain link from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, domain_link_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_domain_link_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
domain_link_id | Integer | Id for specific domain link/URL. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
Get links for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
Get the referring links for the specified social media organisation domain.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get links for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
# Get links for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SocialMediaDomainLinkList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_domain_links_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified social media organisation domain. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
Get pages for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
Get the pages that was reached from the specified social media organisation domain.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific social media organisation domain from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SocialMediaDomainPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain page from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified social media organisation domain page. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
domain_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific domain.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain page from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation domain page from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, domain_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_domain_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
domain_id | Integer | Id for specific domain. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
Get domains for social media organisation from traffic sources
Get the referring domains for the specified social media organisation.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get domains for social media organisation from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
# Get domains for social media organisation from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SocialMediaDomainList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_domains_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific social media organisation from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified social media organisation. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
Get pages for specific social media organisation from traffic sources
Get the pages that was reached from the specified social media organisation.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages for specific social media organisation from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
# Get pages for specific social media organisation from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SocialMediaPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific social media organisation page from traffic sources
A series of historical data points showing the visits for the specified social media organisation page. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
social_media_organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific social media.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation page from traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_page_id_history_get(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_page_id_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific social media organisation page from traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, social_media_organisation_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <VisitsReferralsGraphItemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_social_media_organisations_social_media_organisation_id_pages_page_id_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
social_media_organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific social media. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_get(site_id, opts)
Get an overview of traffic sources
Get an overview of traffic sources
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get an overview of traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get an overview of traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <TrafficSourceSummaryList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data for traffic sources
Get historical data for traffic sources
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for traffic sources
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data for traffic sources
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <TrafficSourceSummaryTrendGraphList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_traffic_sources_summary_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_get(site_id, opts)
Get surveys from user feedback
Get the surveys created for your account.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get surveys from user feedback
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get surveys from user feedback
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <SurveyList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_get(site_id, survey_id, opts)
Get feedbacks for specific survey from user feedback
Get the feedbacks received for the specified survey. Comments and ratings from actual users of your website gives you real user experience data, which cannot be gained from statistics alone. User comments enable you to make specific changes to your website which you know will benefit users of your site, and not just changes which you think will benefit them.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
survey_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific survey.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get feedbacks for specific survey from user feedback
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_get(site_id, survey_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, opts)
# Get feedbacks for specific survey from user feedback
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <FeedbackPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
survey_id | Integer | Id of a specific survey. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_history_get(site_id, survey_id, opts)
Get historical data for specific survey from user feedback
A series of historical data points showing the satisfaction scores and amount of ratings, comments and views for the specified survey. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
survey_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific survey.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for specific survey from user feedback
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_history_get(site_id, survey_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, opts)
# Get historical data for specific survey from user feedback
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <FeedbackOverviewGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_feedbacks_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
survey_id | Integer | Id of a specific survey. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_ignored_feedbacks_get(site_id, survey_id, opts)
Get ignored feedbacks for specific survey from user feedback
Get the feedback that has been ignored.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
survey_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific survey.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get ignored feedbacks for specific survey from user feedback
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_ignored_feedbacks_get(site_id, survey_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_ignored_feedbacks_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_ignored_feedbacks_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_ignored_feedbacks_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, opts)
# Get ignored feedbacks for specific survey from user feedback
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_ignored_feedbacks_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <FeedbackIgnoredList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_ignored_feedbacks_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
survey_id | Integer | Id of a specific survey. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_get(site_id, survey_id, opts)
Get pages with feedback for specific survey from user feedback
Get the pages that have received feedback..
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
survey_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific survey.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example', # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
search_in: 'url' # String | Specified query must match either url or title.
# Get pages with feedback for specific survey from user feedback
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_get(site_id, survey_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, opts)
# Get pages with feedback for specific survey from user feedback
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PageWithFeedbackList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
survey_id | Integer | Id of a specific survey. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
search_in | String | Specified query must match either url or title. | [optional][default to 'url'] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_get(site_id, survey_id, page_id, opts)
Get ratings for specific survey page with feedback from user feedback
Get the feedbacks received for the specified survey at the specified page. Comments and ratings from actual users of your website gives you real user experience data, which cannot be gained from statistics alone. User comments enable you to make specific changes to your website which you know will benefit users of your site, and not just changes which you think will benefit them.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
survey_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific survey.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get ratings for specific survey page with feedback from user feedback
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_get(site_id, survey_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, page_id, opts)
# Get ratings for specific survey page with feedback from user feedback
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <FeedbackOnPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
survey_id | Integer | Id of a specific survey. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_history_get(site_id, survey_id, page_id, opts)
Get historical rating data for specific survey page with feedback from user feedback
A series of historical data points showing the amount of ratings for the specified survey on the specified page. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
survey_id = 789 # Integer | Id of a specific survey.
page_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific page.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical rating data for specific survey page with feedback from user feedback
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_history_get(site_id, survey_id, page_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, page_id, opts)
# Get historical rating data for specific survey page with feedback from user feedback
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, survey_id, page_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <FeedbackRatingGraphList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_user_feedback_surveys_survey_id_pages_with_feedback_page_id_ratings_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
survey_id | Integer | Id of a specific survey. | |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_get(site_id, browser_name, opts)
Get versions for specific browser from visitors
Get the versions of the specified browsers that have been used to visit your site.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
browser_name = 'browser_name_example' # String | Name of specific browser (ie. \"Chrome\", \"Firefox\" etc)
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get versions for specific browser from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_get(site_id, browser_name, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_get_with_http_info(site_id, browser_name, opts)
# Get versions for specific browser from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_get_with_http_info(site_id, browser_name, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <BrowserVersionList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
browser_name | String | Name of specific browser (ie. "Chrome", "Firefox" etc) | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_history_get(site_id, browser_name, opts)
Get historical data for a specific browsers versions from visitors
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for a series of versions of the specified browser. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
browser_name = 'browser_name_example' # String | Name of specific browser (ie. \"Chrome\", \"Firefox\" etc)
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for a specific browsers versions from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_history_get(site_id, browser_name, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, browser_name, opts)
# Get historical data for a specific browsers versions from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, browser_name, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <BrowserVersionGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_browser_names_browser_name_versions_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
browser_name | String | Name of specific browser (ie. "Chrome", "Firefox" etc) | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_get(site_id, opts)
Get browsers from visitors
Get the browsers used by your visitors.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get browsers from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get browsers from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <BrowserList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data for browsers from visitors
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for a series of browsers. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for browsers from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data for browsers from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <BrowserGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_browsers_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_get(site_id, country_id, opts)
Get regions of countries from visitors
Overview of where visitors come from divided by region per country.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
country_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific country.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get regions of countries from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_get(site_id, country_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_get_with_http_info(site_id, country_id, opts)
# Get regions of countries from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_get_with_http_info(site_id, country_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <RegionList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
country_id | Integer | Id for specific country. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_region_id_cities_get(site_id, country_id, region_id, opts)
Get cities of regions of countries from visitors
Overview of where visitors come from divided by city per region per country.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
country_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific country.
region_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific region.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get cities of regions of countries from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_region_id_cities_get(site_id, country_id, region_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_region_id_cities_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_region_id_cities_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_region_id_cities_get_with_http_info(site_id, country_id, region_id, opts)
# Get cities of regions of countries from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_region_id_cities_get_with_http_info(site_id, country_id, region_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CityList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_country_id_regions_region_id_cities_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
country_id | Integer | Id for specific country. | |
region_id | Integer | Id for specific region. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_get(site_id, opts)
Get countries from visitors
Overview of where visitors come from divided by country.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get countries from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get countries from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <CountryList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_countries_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_get(site_id, opts)
Get devices from visitors
See which type of device is being utilised the most. The category "Desktop" includes other devices such as gaming consoles and smart TV.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get devices from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get devices from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <DeviceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data for devices from visitors
A series of historical data points showing the devices from visitors. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for devices from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data for devices from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <DeviceGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_devices_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_get(site_id, opts)
Get operating systems from visitors
A full list of the operating systems that visitors are using.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get operating systems from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get operating systems from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OperatingSystemList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_history_get(site_id, opts)
Get historical data for operating systems from visitors
A series of historical data points showing the operating sytems from visitors. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for operating systems from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_history_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get historical data for operating systems from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OperatingSystemGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_get(site_id, os_family, opts)
Get versions of operating systems from visitors
Gets a version breakdown of a operating system.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
os_family = 'os_family_example' # String | Name of specific OS (ie. \"Windows\", \"iOS\" etc)
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get versions of operating systems from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_get(site_id, os_family, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_get_with_http_info(site_id, os_family, opts)
# Get versions of operating systems from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_get_with_http_info(site_id, os_family, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OperatingSystemVersionList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
os_family | String | Name of specific OS (ie. "Windows", "iOS" etc) | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_history_get(site_id, os_family, opts)
Get historical data for a specific OS's versions from visitors
A series of historical data points showing the amount of visits for a series of versions of the specified OS. When viewing historical data the resolution of the data points will be dependent on the period specified. For single-day periods the resolution will be hours. For periods less than 62 days (approximately two months) the resolution will be days. For longer periods the resolution will be months.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
os_family = 'os_family_example' # String | Name of specific OS (ie. \"Windows\", \"iOS\" etc)
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get historical data for a specific OS's versions from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_history_get(site_id, os_family, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_history_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_history_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, os_family, opts)
# Get historical data for a specific OS's versions from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_history_get_with_http_info(site_id, os_family, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OperatingSystemVersionGraphSliceList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_operating_systems_os_families_os_family_versions_history_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
os_family | String | Name of specific OS (ie. "Windows", "iOS" etc) | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_get(site_id, opts)
Get organisations from visitors
Get a list of visiting organisations, identified through IP address.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example', # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
query: 'query_example' # String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query.
# Get organisations from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get organisations from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OrganisationList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
query | String | Return all items that matches the specified plain text query. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_ip_addresses_get(site_id, organisation_id, opts)
Get a list IP addresses for a specific organisation from visitors
Get the IP addresses identified as belonging to a specific organisation from visitors.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific organisation.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get a list IP addresses for a specific organisation from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_ip_addresses_get(site_id, organisation_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_ip_addresses_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_ip_addresses_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_ip_addresses_get_with_http_info(site_id, organisation_id, opts)
# Get a list IP addresses for a specific organisation from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_ip_addresses_get_with_http_info(site_id, organisation_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OrganisationIpList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_ip_addresses_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific organisation. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_pages_get(site_id, organisation_id, opts)
Get the pages visited by a specific organisation from visitors
All pages visited by a specific organisation.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
organisation_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific organisation.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get the pages visited by a specific organisation from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_pages_get(site_id, organisation_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_pages_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_pages_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, organisation_id, opts)
# Get the pages visited by a specific organisation from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_pages_get_with_http_info(site_id, organisation_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OrganisationPageList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_organisations_organisation_id_pages_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
organisation_id | Integer | Id for specific organisation. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_screen_resolutions_get(site_id, opts)
Get screen resolutions from visitors
Get a list of screen resolutions that visitors are using.
require 'time'
require 'siteimprove_api_client'
# setup authorization
SiteimproveAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
site_id = 789 # Integer | Id for specific site.
opts = {
filter_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific filter.
group_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific group.
page: 56, # Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output.
page_id: 789, # Integer | Id for specific page.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output.
period: 'period_example' # String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year
# Get screen resolutions from visitors
result = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_screen_resolutions_get(site_id, opts)
p result
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_screen_resolutions_get: #{e}"
Using the sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_screen_resolutions_get_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_screen_resolutions_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
# Get screen resolutions from visitors
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_screen_resolutions_get_with_http_info(site_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ResolutionList>
rescue SiteimproveAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling AnalyticsApi->sites_site_id_analytics_visitors_screen_resolutions_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
site_id | Integer | Id for specific site. | |
filter_id | Integer | Id for specific filter. | [optional] |
group_id | Integer | Id for specific group. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Page number to show when more than one page in paged output. | [optional][default to 1] |
page_id | Integer | Id for specific page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of items/records per page in paged output. | [optional][default to 10] |
period | String | Period for which to retrieve data. Default is last 7 days. A period can be a single date, a date range, or a predefined interval. Only full dates are allowed, not individual hours. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format only. A single date YYYYMMDD will return data for that day. A range of dates YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD will retrieve data for the period where the start and end date are both fully included. A predefined interval can be one of the following (case insensitive): now today yesterday last_seven_days last_week last_month this_month this_year | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json