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Last updated: 27 Mar 2024

govuk_publishing_components: Google Analytics 4 link tracker

This script is intended for adding GA4 tracking to links. It depends upon the main GA4 analytics code to function.

  data-ga4-link='{ "event_name": "navigation", "type": "home page", "index_link": 1, "index_section": 1, "index_section_count": 3, "index_total": 1, "section": "name of section" }'>

Note that the specific detail of the data-ga4-link attribute will depend on the context of the link. This is particularly true for the index parameters.

Specific tracking can be applied to multiple elements within a container, by applying the data module once to the parent element.

<div data-module="ga4-link-tracker">
    data-ga4-link='{ "event_name": "navigation", "type": "browse", "index_link": 1, "index_section": 1, "index_section_count": 2, "index_total": "2", "section": "name of section" }'>
    Link 1
    data-ga4-link='{ "event_name": "navigation", "type": "browse", "index_link": 2, "index_section": 1, "index_section_count": 2, "index_total": "2", "section": "name of section" }'>
    Link 2

Note that the specific detail of the data-ga4-link attribute will depend on the context of the link.

Basic use (override text)

The text of the link can be overridden by another value if passed in the data attribute, as shown.

  data-ga4-link='{ "event_name": "navigation", "type": "home page", "index_link": 1, "index_section": 1, "index_section_count": 3, "index_total": 1, "section": "name of section", "text": "This text will be recorded in the GA event" }'>
    This text will not be recorded

Where tracking attributes cannot be directly applied to elements, links can be tracked with details applied to the parent. In this configuration the link text and href are automatically determined and included in the event data. This is helpful where page content is not editable, e.g. content comes from the content item or a publishing tool.

The data-ga4-track-links-only attribute ensures that only link clicks are tracked (without it, any click inside the element is tracked).

  data-ga4-link='{ "event_name": "navigation", "type": "browse", "section": "name of section" }'
  <a href="/link1">This link will be tracked</a>
  <a href="/link2">
    <span>This link will also be tracked even though it contains child elements</span>
  <span>This span will not be tracked</span>

The addition of the data-ga4-set-indexes data attribute on the parent element will allow the index and index_total properties to be set.

A value for index_total can be overridden by adding it to the data-ga4-link attribute. This is used in places where data-ga4-set-indexes is being used for part of a section of links, for example in taxon pages.

If links that we can amend directly appear alongside links generated by content items or publishing tools and we do not want to index the former, adding a data-ga4-do-not-index attribute will prevent those links from being indexed. For example:

<div data-ga4-set-indexes>
  <a href="/link1" data-ga4-do-not-index>This link will not be indexed</a>
  <a href="/link2">This link will be indexed</a>

To apply tracking to links within a specific elements within part of a page, use the data-ga4-limit-to-element-class alongside the data-ga4-track-links-only attribute. This is helpful where page content is not editable, e.g. content comes from the content item or a publishing tool. data-ga4-limit-to-element-class can accept multiple classes - each class must separated by a comma.

With one CSS class

  data-ga4-link='{ "event_name": "navigation", "type": "browse", "section": "name of section" }'
  <a href="/link1">This link will not be tracked</a>
  <div class="demoBox">
    <a href="/link2">This link will be tracked</a>

With multiple CSS classes

  data-ga4-link='{ "event_name": "navigation", "type": "browse", "section": "name of section" }'
  data-ga4-limit-to-element-class="demoBox1, demoBox2, demoBox3">
  <a href="/link1">This link will not be tracked</a>
  <div class="demoBox1">
    <a href="/link2">This link will be tracked</a>
    <div class="demoBox2">
    <a href="/link3">This link will be tracked</a>
    <div class="demoBox3">
    <a href="/link4">This link will be tracked</a>
    <div class="notTracked">
    <a href="/link5">This link will not be tracked</a>