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Last updated: 27 Mar 2024

govuk_publishing_components: Google Analytics 4 print intent tracker

This script tracks when the user opens the print prompt in their browser, e.g. when pressing Ctrl/Cmd + P or going to File > Print.

How it works

Assuming that consent has been given, the print intent tracker is launched automatically by init-ga4.js, as there is a function in that file which automatically runs the init() function on anything namespaced under window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.analyticsModules.

When initialised, a beforeprint event listener is added to the JavaScript window. If the beforeprint event is fired, the following dataLayer object is sent to GA4:

  "event": "event_data",
  "event_data": {
    "event_name": "print_intent",
    "type": "print intent",
    "method": "browser print"