govuk_publishing_components: Google Analytics 4 smart answer results (Cost of Living) tracker
This script is intended for adding GA4 tracking to the Cost of Living smart answer results.
<div data-module="ga4-smart-answer-results-tracker" data-ga4-list-title="Title of smart answer">
<span id="result-count">5 results</span>
<a href="/example-smart-answer-result" data-ga4-ecommerce-path="/example-smart-answer-result" data-ga4-ecommerce-index="1">Example smart answer result</a>
... remaining smart answer results
The module is initialised on the parent element and results that are contained within the module (i.e. child elements) are tracked.
Once initialised, the smart answer results tracker will call window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.ecommerceHelperFunctions.populateEcommerceSchema()
The populateEcommerceSchema()
function takes an object parameter containing the module (passed as data.element
) and the id of the element containing the amount of results returned (passed as data.resultsId
). An optional event
parameter can also be passed (passed as data.event
), which is used to differentiate between a page load (where all results are tracked) and a click event (where only the clicked result is tracked - please see 'Clicking a result' for further details).
will then build the ecommerce object using the attributes listed in the HTML snippet above before sending the object to the dataLayer
In the example above, the following would be pushed to the dataLayer:
'event': 'search_results',
'search_results': {
'event_name': 'select_item',
'results': 5,
'ecommerce': {
'items': [
'index': 1,
'item_id': '/example-smart-answer-result',
'item_list_name': [Title of smart answer]
... remaining smart answer results
Clicking a result
When a result is clicked, populateEcommerceSchema()
is called with the data.event
parameter. The presence of an data.event
parameter indicates that is a click event and a slightly different object is built. If the result in the example above were clicked, the following would be sent to the dataLayer
'event': 'search_results',
'event_data': {
'external': 'false'
'search_results': {
'event_name': 'select_item',
'results': 5,
'ecommerce': {
'items': [
'index': 1,
'item_id': '/example-smart-answer-result',
'item_list_name': [Title of smart answer],
'item_name': 'Example smart answer result'