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Last updated: 11 Dec 2024

govuk_publishing_components: Component wrapper helper

The component wrapper helper is designed to provide a standard way to wrap components so that common options can be passed without having to explicitly define them in the component.

Basic use

The helper can be added to a component by including the helper and replacing the component parent element as shown. Note that tag.div can be replaced with any tag.

  component_helper =
<%= tag.div(**component_helper.all_attributes) do %>
  component content
<% end %>

You must also add this to the component documentation YAML file, in order that component wrapper options are shown in the component guide.

uses_component_wrapper_helper: true

Passing options

These options can be passed to any component that uses the component wrapper.

  • id - accepts a string for the element ID attribute
  • data_attributes - accepts a hash of data attributes
  • aria - accepts a hash of aria attributes
  • classes - accepts a space separated string of classes, these should not be used for styling and must be prefixed with js-
  • margin_bottom - accepts a number from 0 to 9 (0px to 60px) using the GOV.UK Frontend spacing scale (defaults to no margin)
  • role - accepts a space separated string of roles
  • lang - accepts a language attribute value
  • open - accepts an open attribute value (true or false)
  • hidden - accepts an empty string, 'hidden', or 'until-found'
  • tabindex - accepts an integer. The integer can also be passed as a string.
  • dir - accepts 'rtl', 'ltr', or 'auto'.

To prevent breaking component isolation, passed classes should only be used for JavaScript hooks and not styling. All component styling should be included only in the component itself. Any passed classes should be prefixed with js-. To allow for extending this option, classes prefixed with gem-c-, govuk-, app-c-, brand--, or brand__ are also permitted, as well as an exact match of direction-rtl, but these classes should only be used within the component and not passed to it.

The helper checks that any passed id attribute is valid, specifically that it does not start with a number or contain whitespace or contain any characters other than letters, numbers, and _ or -. It also checks that role and lang attribute values are valid, along with some other checks detailed below.

An example of passing data to a component with the component wrapper:

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/example", {
  classes: "js-example",
  data_attributes: {
    module: "example-module",
    other_data_attribute: "other",
  aria: {
    describedby: "element-id",
} %>

Advanced use

The component wrapper includes several methods to make managing options easier, as shown below.

  # note that these variables do not explicitly need to be defined, shown here for clarity
  classes ||= ""
  id ||= nil
  data_attributes ||= {}
  aria_attributes ||= {}
  role ||= nil
  local_assigns[:margin_bottom] ||= 4

  component_helper =
  component_helper.add_class("gem-c-example govuk-example") # combines the given class with any passed classes
  component_helper.set_id("my-id") # overrides any passed 'id' with this one (can only have one id)
  component_helper.add_data_attribute({ module: "ga4-event-tracker" }) # combines any passed 'data_attributes' with those given, merging duplicate keys, e.g. if `{ module: "ga4-link-tracker", a: "1" }` had been passed, would result in `{ module: "ga4-event-tracker ga4-link-tracker", a: "1" }`
  component_helper.add_aria_attribute({ label: "my-label" }) # works like 'add_data_attribute'
  component_helper.add_role("button") # works like 'add_class'
  component_helper.set_lang("en") # works like 'set_id' (can only have one lang)
  component_helper.set_open(true) # can pass true or false
  component_helper.set_margin_bottom(3) # can pass any number from 1 to 9
<%= tag.div(**component_helper.all_attributes) do %>
  component content
<% end %>